Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] would [adv] " in BNC.

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1 JACQUES DELORS , President of the European Commission , told West Germany that its hopes for reunification would best be served by working for a more federal Community , implying that this might one day embrace East Germany .
2 His unspoken premise was that such a space for freedom would always continue to exist ; he saw Parliament and the courts as guardians of liberty .
3 Thus a compositor , joiner , tailor or tin smith for instance would normally be identified as skilled , a docker as unskilled .
4 Offers of cakes for tea would also be welcome .
5 That is , economic forces would always be generated to ensure that the demand for labour would always equal its supply .
6 He said : ‘ Under normal circumstances claims for compensation would only be considered from people who acted on incorrect advice from my people .
7 ‘ it is contended that to hold that a municipal corporation may maintain an action for libel would unduly encroach on the right of the public to speak freely concerning municipal affairs .
8 Normally , any government trying this sort of trick would soon be being ordered to pay out in the courts .
9 President Lee Teng-hui signed into law a new revised article , under which discussion of Taiwanese independence or advocation of communism would no longer be a criminal offence .
10 It joined other groups in pointing out , on the basis of Japanese evidence from Hiroshima , that clusters of leukaemia would only become apparent between seven and nine years after the disaster .
11 With their broader streets and freshly painted houses they might appear to be so , but , as Engels remarked , those streets were often unpaved and lacked a sewer , the paint was bound to fade within a decade , and their apparent solidity of build would then be revealed as no more than that of bricks laid end to end .
12 This specialisation of function would also apply to ownership of aircraft .
13 The morality of utilitarianism would certainly differ from the morality of sarvodaya , which in Gandhian thought is related to ahi sā and Truth .
14 That size of croft would never be enough to keep you living .
15 On the other hand these actions of preparation would better suit Hippodameia , who was to travel in the chariot ; and the other is perhaps characterised as older .
16 The reformers argue their case on the assumption that voting behaviour experienced under the current mode of election would most likely continue under a new mode : this is , as Geoffrey Alderman has pointed out , a most unlikely hypothesis .
17 Here was McCreery 's HQ giving the widest possible interpretation to the term " allied national " to include anyone " born within pre-1939 , frontier of an " Allied country " , which of course would also have covered all Russian emigres regardless of when they had left Russia .
18 There would surely have been a strong argument for it to take its gauge from the parent line and worry about the break of gauge later , when it met the Cambrian — which of course would probably not have happened .
19 Doubtless many a canny husbandman claimed an allowance for wages paid notionally to his sons , who of course would then be taxed on them .
20 Pragmatic knowledge of the context of this sort of sentence would normally indicate that it was the plate that broke , and not the table .
21 At the time , the year of expiry would hardly have seemed significant , but when it arrived , Champagne was still recovering from four years of German occupation .
22 We hoped our lack of response would eventually put him off His side-kick , the thin man , was edgy and sat forward on his seat .
23 The jungles of Stalinvast would swiftly rot into sludge that would form shallow festering inland seas and lakes , where rot continued to feed so that the very air burned planet-wide , searing the whole surface to ashes and bare rock .
24 In ordinary circumstances the family contemplating spending a considerable amount of money would probably spend some time shopping around getting quotations .
25 Anyway I suggested to Mrs Newton that this sort of thing did n't sound like the Froggy we all knew and loved because , with great respect , that sort of money would usually have gone only in one direction — to the publicans and bookies .
26 The question of money would always come up with a team operation like the ‘ Carry Ons ’ .
27 This ‘ waste ’ of milk would also have annoyed her mother but Marie had woken , anxious and depressed from a restless sleep and needed to comfort herself .
28 The standard of provision would also be assessed by the Social Work Services Inspectorate .
29 In a " non-Patois " situation , no use of Creole would normally be appropriate .
30 But while a number of senior executives said the outcome would provide a boost for confidence , they felt the climb out of recession would still be long and slow .
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