Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] that had " in BNC.

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1 through cumulus that had the lapis glow
2 Hari shook back a strand of hair that had fallen from the pins .
3 Flavia Sherman brushed away a strand of hair that had fallen across his eyes and smiled fondly at him .
4 But it was still unreal when he reached out and , bending over her , gently pushed back the wisps of hair that had loosened from beneath her headband .
5 The light of hope that had flickered in Tubby 's eyes died and he shook his head wearily .
6 Buried within the plastic explosive had been a miniature detonator , or minidet , later extracted from within a fragment of vertebra that had been itself buried in the spleen .
7 It was the kind of story that had brought an endless succession of journalists and film crews to Liverpool throughout the turbulent Militant-in-control years of the 1980s .
8 Running back down the avenue , daffodil leaves yellowing on its verges , young beech leaves playing with the light overhead , Nicandra felt purged of the morning 's unfortunate happenings : of all of them except the thrust of horror that had pierced her before the death of a lamb .
9 Matthew Arnold , staring out at the Channel , thought of Sophocles and the sea of faith that had since receded .
10 Uncle Bill had run a car for her on his company while he was alive but of course that had all stopped when he died .
11 Of course that had been mostly created by the lack of money , but the instability she saw in Joe was n't that kind of lack , it was something she could n't put her finger on .
12 Of course that had always been the case , the young always did set the fashion ; but never before did it change so rapidly , never before were the older generation so pathetically afraid of being left behind .
13 If Rome , during the time of Constantine , began to assume the characteristics of the old Herodian Sadducee priesthood , Egyptian Christianity beyond the city centres diverged increasingly towards the kind of framework that had served the Zadokites or Essenes of Jesus 's time .
14 The slender loins and wide shoulders kept their elegance of shape and movement , the skin was clear of wrinkles except for the lines of experience that had graved themselves into his face ; but the flesh was drying and withering now , hardening between weathered skin and shapely bone .
15 They had n't made university and the difference between their comfortable life style — houses on an executive estate , en suite bathrooms , artificial coal fires in what they called the lounge , working wives , a new car every two years and timeshares in Majorca — provided both with agreeable hours of self-satisfied comparisons which he knew would always end with the same conclusion , that he ought to pull himself together , that it was n't right , not after all the sacrifices Mum and Dad had made to send him to college , and a fine waste of money that had proved .
16 And er can can we scrape away to say Chairman that er , you know this , this , this situation er it is not to do with government policies , we are paying a very heavy price to this country for world recession as we have paid this very high price , very very large amounts of money that had to be used for people who are unfortunate enough to fall out of employment .
17 Dada released an amazing fount of creativity that had been largely repressed by the ethics of previous centuries .
18 However , the committee , which eventually divided on party lines , defined its terms of reference at the outset so narrowly that it effectively ruled out any possibility of discovering the truth or otherwise of the allegations of malpractice that had been made against the police .
19 In fact the darkness , the whispers , the creaking floorboards , the footsteps and the thought of a stalking murderer had had their usual effect on her : a state of fear that had little to do with pleasure .
20 She told Lucien how much the northerners resented the Ixmaritian tithes , and how in some cases people had shed their blood to resist them , a course of action that had been doomed to failure .
21 He was the first to admit that he had been psychologically screwed-up when he joined them after eleven years with the elite American anti-terrorist squad , Delta — a state of mind that had come about as a result of his last Delta mission .
22 Adam scanned his taut features , uncomfortable and slightly puzzled by the undercurrent of tension that had suddenly sprung up .
23 A moment later the door creaked open and he appeared , or a fair facsimile , a very old man with grey hair down to his shoulders , a black dresscoat of velvet that had seen better days , a pair of very baggy corduroy trousers beneath of the type worn by peasants on the farm .
24 She was wearing a halter dress the colour of flame that had wilted in the first hour .
25 This was a nazi form of greeting that had been popularized by P.J. Ridout of the IFL in 1936 , presumably as a conscious pun on his own initials .
26 As she crossed the street towards the far corner by the church entrance , the young woman was careful to step over the littering of prawn shells and orange peel , fish tails and broken heads of artichoke that had accumulated in the numerous depressions afforded by the badly laid cobbles .
27 On 9 November , the Murder ( Abolition of Death Penalty ) Act 1965 came into effect , suspending rather than abolishing the death penalty for those categories of murder that had been capital .
28 From the tip of the headland and for some way out to sea the waves were breaking white against half-submerged fangs and stacks of rock that had in time past broken away from the main cliffs .
29 That word ‘ proposition ’ and the look of appraisal that had accompanied it , when she recalled them , still sent shivers through her .
30 OPEN SECRET Pat Metheny Back in the late '60s , the term ‘ fusion ’ was coined as a means to mischievously re-classify a form of jazz that had strayed away from the mainstream towards the outlawed territories of rock music .
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