Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] be by " in BNC.

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1 But as we saw , this claim is asserted with more fervour than is justified , since the case for reduction is by no means watertight .
2 The most commonly applied method for recognition is by matching input script with a database of previously collected ‘ template ’ characters .
3 The ending of a marriage before old age and the creation of step-families through remarriage is by no means a recent phenomenon , but in the past these events occurred more commonly through the early death of one partner than through divorce .
4 Setting up for cutting is by the conventional depth and angle adjusters .
5 This pattern of change is by no means exceptional in the fossil record ( see , for example , Gould & Calloway , 1980 ) .
6 Most accounts of the methods of inspection are by retired or practising HMIs , although those on the receiving end do describe the experience .
7 The two courses of defence are by contact and systemic fungicides , such as Maneb , Zineb , Dithane , Orthocide and others .
8 As J. S. Mill recognised in his essay On the Subjection of Women ( 1869 ) , this degree of inequality was by no means true of all Victorian marriages , but the idea of the wife as a ‘ natural ’ subordinate was widely accepted .
9 If you are importing , the cheapest and most straightforward methods of settlement are by international payments in currency or sterling , and Midland offers three options : Priority Payments , where speed of funds transfer is of paramount importance ; Mail Payments , where there is less urgency ; and Bankers Drafts , which are particularly appropriate for low priority , low value payments .
10 Some reservations about this view have already been suggested , but it was acknowledged that elements of bargaining are by no means absent from the British scene .
11 One of the most useful cases is Geo Mitchell where the limitation of liability was by reference to the purchase price .
12 BEWARE OF OVER-ENTHUSIASTIC FINANCIAL ORGANISATIONS The only way to keep control of money is by handling it yourself .
13 Perhaps the only two successful threats of action were by the water-workers in 1983 and the NUM over the Coal Board 's threat to close uneconomic pits in January 1981 .
14 One way in which the 1975 legislation can be said to have further endorsed the domestic division of labour is by making provision of widows ' pensions by occupational schemes one condition of approval by the Occupational Pensions Board .
15 Between 1982 and 1986 the value of Chase 's stock rose by 86% : of Chemical 's by 97% : of Citicorps by 83% while Morgan and Banker 's Trust 's shot up by 142 and 154% respectively.10
16 The two types of interview are by no means in opposition ; they are different tools for different tasks .
17 This type of recognition is by definition off-line , and is often called optical character recognition ( OCR ) .
18 Picasso 's use of light is by now completely arbitrary : darks and lights are opposed to each other simply to accentuate the incisive quality of the outlines and to throw form more sharply into relief .
19 The most obvious way to assess men 's awareness of AIDS is by measuring their use of condoms .
20 ( 1978 , Chapters 10 and 11 ) have argued forcefully that the calculation of profitability is by no means a transparent and unambiguous exercise , and that the method and effects of such calculation can vary between enterprises .
21 After the Reformation it looks for a moment as if the Ecclesiastical Courts would allow even a divorce in the modern sense ; but the attempt fails , and the only way of getting a complete dissolution of marriage is by special Act of Parliament ( and so the law remained , for persons domiciled in Northern Ireland , up to 1939 ) .
22 One of the earliest publications on this kind of work is by John Taylor and Rex Walford ( 1972 ) .
23 In addition to selling paintings through different galleries and open exhibitions and using various publicity devices to attract private commissions , another good way of selling a quantity of work is by having a solo exhibition .
24 This may start a vicious circle and reducing levels of insulin are by losing weight , taking more exercise , and improving the quality of your diet .
25 The most currently viable hope for diminishing the total amount of suffering is by refinement of existing procedures ’ ( 1981 : 104–5 ) .
26 The statistical description of the distribution of wealth is by no means straightforward .
27 There is a rough division between east and west which became apparent in Peter Webster 's study of Severn Valley wares found on the Wall ( 1972 ) , for , although there is not a great quantity it has a definite western bias , which suggests that the means of transport was by the sea .
28 The only means of transport was by truck .
29 Lorry drivers in a transport cafe enjoying their breakfast were marooned for a time and really the best form of transport was by canoe .
30 This massive loss of forest is by no means due entirely to the timber industry , there being other contributory factors such as conversion of land for urbanisation , agriculture , and increase in domestic animals associated with human populations .
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