Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] be on " in BNC.

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1 Industry , especially chemical and pharmaceutical , was no less involved in the great expansion , and the opportunities for research were on an unprecedented scale .
2 A note blaming social services chiefs for ignoring their plea for help was on the dashboard .
3 If the Minister for Sport was on the Treasury Bench , I would ask him — instead , I ask all hon. Members and the country — what is going on when the general secretary of the Central Council of Physical Recreation puts his name and that of his organisation to a positive argument in favour of tobacco sponsorship in sport ?
4 John Butcher says at this moment a man on bail for rape is on the run ine the Midlands .
5 The inter-war years saw a good deal of activity in North Shields by the local branch of the National Unemployed Workers Movement ( NUWM ; see CDP , 1978 ) , whose main base of support was on the Meadowell .
6 We decided that the the otential the action potential of course are on Editor A look at control , we can look at single channel currents .
7 You should note that a mandatory award for a new course is continued provided that the change of course is on educational grounds and that the change has been notified to your grant awarding authority within 16 months of the date of initial enrolment .
8 And of course being on the air current it went on its way back and what was waiting for it here ?
9 machine until Monday and then though we 'll take him off , of course being on it for a long period
10 Any lease issued now should of course be on a short term basis , as Development Proposals in some shape or form are likely to be implemented .
11 Financier and former model die in mystery explosion was the headline at the time — and the emphasis of course was on the ‘ former model ’ .
12 Polymers tend to be left late in chemical education , since for example the synthesis of PVC is on paper much more complicated than that of vinyl chloride .
13 Travel and widening your scope of experience is on the menu and , with Mercury back on form from the 1st , journeys , meetings and discussions over joint affairs — monetary and otherwise — look promising .
14 " The terms of purchase are on your receipt , sir . "
15 This increase in value is the equivalent of the return or interest that could , for example , be expected on a bank deposit for each day that the relevant sum of money is on deposit .
16 The Victorian worship of money was on the wax , and houses were an outward expression of what you were worth and how fashionable was your taste .
17 Already she could see their faces , the faces of the fucking bloody middle class , when the subject of money was on the agenda .
18 The normal eighteenth century division of labour is on trial in this passage and , to a lesser extent , in the others quoted above .
19 The real wage rate is on the y axis and the quantity of labour is on the x axis .
20 The primary focus of research is on the records generated by the enforcement in the late fourteenth century of the labour laws , the earliest attempt at national wage regulation .
21 Wilson , whose rejection of religion was on account of its encouragement of so much evil .
22 In the ninth and tenth centuries the financial aspect of feudalism was on the whole less important than the military .
23 … the hounds of spring are on winter 's traces …
24 The town of Isafjördur is on the far side of the fjord , a long way from the town , and reached by a bus ride past the first fish-drying frame you will see in this part of the island .
25 However , there seems no doubt that slavery as a mode of exploitation was on the decline in Latin America , even before it was abolished , and that the economic case against this form of labour appeared increasingly strong after 1850 .
26 The analysis , then , suggests the following : on the whole , the class is competent at spelling : even though there are some weird errors , the type of error is on the safe side , and the largest single category is that of reasonable phonic alternatives , which suggests that the pupils ' basic approach is sound .
27 Ruth grinned at him as he sat down at a cane table , making sure he was under the bright green awning that hung over the balcony and not a sliver of sun was on the bare parts of his body .
28 Even within the same culture , comparative tests of intelligence are on shaky ground ; as has often been observed , all that IQ tests are good at measuring and demonstrating is the ability of individuals to pass IQ tests .
29 The social worker may be able to free up some complex feelings ; however the emphasis in this kind of work is on the impact of recent events , not on trying to unscramble past jealousies and conflicts .
30 The final stage of work is on the desalinisation of the vault and walls which have suffered through the centuries from water seepage ( from 1580 until 1811 the crypt was completely closed to visitors for this reason ) .
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