Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Using the walls for support I made a slow tour of every inch of the building , stopping frequently to squeeze the dizziness from my skull .
2 Marlowe was charming , witty , and very , very funny , but there was something about Millet I did n't like . )
3 In an earlier article for Link I said that is a fun place to work .
4 I 'm getting the blame for crime I did n't commit .
5 When the Maggot became too boring about football I told him cricketing stories until he shut up .
6 for practice I supposed .
7 All through tea I had waited for some indication on his part that he knew I had seen the girl — as he must have known , for it was obvious that the nocturnal concert had been given to announce her presence .
8 For confirmation I visited him in prison , where in protest against his incarceration he had put himself in solitary confinement , and found him to be sandy-haired , bullet-headed and verbose , yet with a redeeming sense of humour ; his passionate denials of having played any part in the Ayr murder were too convincing to have been invented .
9 After tea I went out and saw Ryan .
10 After lunch I recrossed the road to the newsagents , and took my place at the wailing wall of the pornography section .
11 After lunch I went into town , taking Gravel my bike and some money .
12 After lunch I went for a walk in the little market town , now being hardened to being a subject of great curiosity , with people gaping at the sides of the road , and children following us up and down the street .
13 After lunch I sat in the car and listened to a Bush press conference .
14 Day after day I watched the three people .
15 Night after night I sat on the sofa looking out to sea , the way Francis had .
16 When I looked after Father I had all the modern equipment I needed .
17 Tonight after supper I told him he could buy paper from Woolworths and use gloves and so on .
18 After supper I walked up and down in the corridor for a bit .
19 As usual , after supper I played one of a dozen tape recordings of sermons by the Reverend John McArthur of Sun Valley , California .
20 After writing about fifty scientific papers on the subject I decided to reach a wider audience and moved into television , where week after week I tried to get across my fascination for the animal world .
21 Complaint after complaint I had to deal with : the bed too hard , the air-conditioner whistled ( me , I was surprised it worked ) , a spider in the goddamned bath .
22 After graduation I worked in London for a couple of years , but in 1985 a decision had to be made : my husband had just finished a sixmonth intensive training course at the Thatching Advisory Service in Berkshire .
23 The next morning after breakfast I crossed over to Demetriades 's table .
24 After breakfast I ventured forth , and was at once overwhelmed by the beauty and the scale of the buildings .
25 After breakfast I decided to visit Brigade H.Q Taff was sitting on the grass just outside the trench cleaning his Bren gun .
26 Next morning , 19th July , all is quiet , and after breakfast I decided to pay a visit to the other Commando units ; 4 Commando and 3 Commando , lots of new faces , not many of those who landed on the 6th June are left .
27 After breakfast I started afresh .
28 Wednesday after playschool I said to you I can afford that jumper I 've got twenty seven pound
29 After treatment I removed the copper and treated with Myxazin , but I still lost the fish about three months after it first stopped feeding .
30 After school I had a clarinet lesson .
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