Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [v-ing] in " in BNC.

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1 The accountant can not be worrying about money coming in .
2 He says there 've been messages of support coming in .
3 With a sigh , Emily sank back in her seat and closed her eyes , listening to the clip clop of horseshoes ringing against the roadway with a feeling of unreality closing in on her .
4 Adorable 's favoured method of song construction is to start with a slow , dreamy melody and then accelerate to Warp Factor 11 with very loud , sharp and combative peals of guitar swooping in to rough up the tune and kick it momentarily off course , before Piotr grabs hold of the melody again .
5 Also , keeping band accounts is useful to familiarize you with the practicalities of money coming in and going out .
6 ‘ Though he had large sums of money coming in , it appears that Mr Morgan was insolvent , ’ she says .
7 There was no great amount of money coming in and one was continually minding the pennies .
8 The papacy 's reputation for venality may be more closely related to the difficulties of collecting what was due to it than to the actual amounts of money coming in .
9 So there 's a lot of money coming in they could they could afford to have somebody like that
10 The first of these sets the amount of effect coming in from the JMP 's effects loop — a really good idea and all amps should have this in some form .
11 These regulations are effective for programmes of study starting in and after September 1990 .
12 That 's a lot of light coming in on the back I think .
13 newcastle fans were nt : the game started with lots of snow coming in : fans singing
14 But a piece of bread lying in almost liquid mud will demand a more prolonged cleaning process .
15 If you are considering pupillage or a seat in new chambers , make careful enquiry into the status of the place and the kind and amount of work coming in .
16 ‘ There is no sense of crisis , of panic setting in among businesses yet , but if interest rates go up again it could be very detrimental , ’ he said .
17 This may take the form of acid etching in highly acid soils , root marks and corrosion produced by plant roots , corrosion caused by organic acids , and a form of corrosion apparently associated with high humidity in soils and caves .
18 I mean I 've only got some figures here up to the twenty fourth of February , and in that particular week we sold about thirteen and a half thousand U K holidays , as against the week last year of about five and a half , so we 've obviously seen a fairly major growth in U K holidays , but , as I said , we spent about a hundred thousand pounds on promotion , so we 're very pleased with the uptake of business coming in .
19 It was coming over from the Empire , the colonies , as you know , and masses of grain coming in from America and Canada .
20 Fanon 's analysis of racism and ‘ negrophobia ’ , and his articulation of the predicament of the person of colour living in , or in relation to , white culture , is also instructive for understanding sexual discrimination , especially homophobia , and the predicament of the gay person living in , or in relation to , heterosexual culture .
21 ‘ Every single drop of water going in to your house has been expensively treated to make it drinkable , so do you really want to spray it all over your car ? ’ said Kent Meters Marketing Director Terry Stoten .
22 It 's only ten years since the Comedy Store opened , but already there is a note of wistfulness creeping in for the good old days .
23 He was a good-looking man in his late thirties , and Fran had met him on several occasions but had never liked him , finding something faintly repugnant about the way he stood on the outside of life looking in , searching for anything unsavoury .
24 and there 's not much there 's not much fuel at all , but there is a lot of air going in , would you expect it all to be burned ?
25 20 ) were seen , above , to be comparable at an integral level of stylistic affinity ; but the size and shaping of the tesserae in mosaic 7 , its large areas of background filling in buff-brown tesserae , and the absence of the most significant border decorations visible in mosaics B and C , suggest that it was the work of an essentially different group of craftsmen .
26 As long as he gets his food and sleep — ‘ and a bit of show jumping in between ’ — he is quite content .
27 The CBF wants the Government to carry out a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the impact of oil prospecting in and around Cardigan Bay before any new licenses are issued .
28 The hospitaller felt the black demons of Hell closing in around him .
29 The lads in the office were outwardly horrified at my drastic action and the usual jokes about sheep and welly boots began to circulate , but I detected a tinge of envy creeping in at times .
30 This deprivation of information coming in from the environment can be the cause of vague unease , of insecurity and feelings of depression .
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