Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] know " in BNC.

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1 and perhaps rationalising a certain tier , keeping the teachers and assistants who are actually in the schools as our top priority and maintaining a careful balance between schools with very high needs and schools with isolated children who are actually even more in need of support and know how .
2 He had devoted Sunday evening to making a plan of action and knew exactly what he and everyone else he could press into service was going to be doing this morning .
3 He concluded that a consistent direction of evolutionary change has been-an elaboration of processes of perception and knowing towards an emergence of what we call the mind .
4 Where verbs of perception and know , as we saw above , evoke a characteristic expressive effect in this context , it is more difficult to see any nuance characterizing make here , other than perhaps a suggestion of result .
5 ‘ That is one of the exceptions , made by one of the few directors in this country who has huge energy , a great deal of talent and knows how to address an audience .
6 Yet all around her , in their revolutionary impulse , men and women not of the greatness of Coleridge but certainty of a similar ambition were beginning to log and classify , to catalogue and proudly identify what , until quite recently , had been the terrain of a very few — the variety of nature as known by Mary .
7 The border of triangles symbolizes the three Universal principles governing the cyclic processes of nature and known as the ‘ Trinity ’ or ‘ Law of Three ’ ; that is , Creation , Preservation and Dissolution .
8 He then went on , chapter by chapter , to provide an evolutionary ethology of behaviour as known in his time , treating reflexes , instincts , intelligence ( with learning experiments ) , social behaviour , and finally conceptual thought and purposive self-conscious development .
9 Oulton has rekindled the colour theories of Impressionism and knows the value of the after-image as well as Monet ever did .
10 The educated person is characterised less by what she can do , and more by what the process of learning and knowing has done to her .
11 To understand the world , then , and understand it well enough to contrive to live in it , there is no one way : not fact , not theory , not particularity , not abstraction ; and explanations of whatever kind are not universal answers , merely part of a progressive and accumulative act of learning and knowing .
12 None of them could disagree that it was a species of tyranny that left an unhappy debtor to the mercy of a remorseless creditor whose affluence prevented him from knowing the sorrows of adversity and who , nursed in the lap of plenty , had never heard the call of hunger or knew the cry of distress .
13 Mind you , it looks as if they did quite a bit of homework and know kelly is a converted winger …
14 Karenin also tells Anna he loves her as a husband but she does n't believe he is capable of love or knows what it is either .
15 A northern sense of identity concentrated by the frustration of spirit that knows it could manage better what its southern overseers only botch is pressure enough for a new drive for progress .
16 The new system , developed by Dr Roger Billings of the American Academy of Science and known as LaserCel , is being tested by car manufacturers and energy companies .
17 I quote it in full , in tribute to the whole glorious regiment of women shoppers , firm of purpose and knowing exactly what they want :
18 The split in the mind , formed so early in their lives , becomes a predominant defence against feeling and knowing more about themselves .
19 He longed for rest but knew that he had to keep moving , and hauling on the line , he got his hands on to the taffrail and vaulted into the cockpit .
20 Just I was just gon na ask you really to maybe just a change you know the difference between day and know , maybe you can see quite a difference just er
21 They landed on a ledge wide enough to hold them , the horse shivering with fear but knowing not to move at all .
22 Billy had gone to school with Chopper and knew his background very well .
23 I for one have formal qualifications in electronics and know when the wool 's being pulled , but others do n't and that 's your job .
24 Conflicts of interest are particularly likely to arise in firms that are companies because , even if there is functional segregation within a company with different activities being carried out in different departments between which there are Chinese walls , the knowledge of one part of the company will be attributed to ( ie treated in law as known to ) all parts .
25 But staying in control and knowing when to stop is the key .
26 A basic curiosity towards diverse traditions ( a ) to appreciate and delight in diversity and know enough about different religions not to offend the susceptibilities of people , and to be able to give respect to them as persons without marginalizing their religious commitment — to be able therefore to contribute towards a harmonious society ; ( b ) to perceive the crucial area of common-ground between almost all major religious traditions , and that differences and disagreements are only meaningful against that background of what is held in common .
27 My brother Rollo and I had a consuming interest in cricket and knew the names and performances of all first-class cricketers from about 1946 onwards .
28 Yet , as with declarations , such utterances will only be perceived as orders if certain conditions are in operation and known to be in operation by both the sender and the receiver .
29 Such surveillance should not , of course , be thrust on unwilling recipients without good cause , but it is good practice to keep in touch and know how people are getting on .
30 Certainly it was never specifically referred to but a reading of the judgment would , I apprehend , ground an argument that the judge , having found that the appellants were in contempt and knew at all relevant times of the existence of the order against them , was in a position to exercise the discretion that he was given .
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