Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [pron] might " in BNC.

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1 The practice has been for the judge to deduct a period for remission which might be earned , and to advise the Home Secretary that what remains is the requirement of retribution and deterrence .
2 However , it is only one example of a more general situation — for instance one might have no temperature variations but two different solutes — and the usual name now is double diffusive convection .
3 For instance I might go erm that one that one and er that one .
4 For instance it might be suggested that action sample clients were less likely to be admitted straight away to long-term institutional care than control sample clients , for service-providers might have felt that with the Home Support Project such clients could be sustained at home whereas in its absence in the control areas they were not sustainable .
5 If Microsoft is found to have a case to answer , the minimum possibility is that the company is forced to sign a consent decree under which it has to unbundle , and agree not to bundle in future — for instance it might have to dismantle Windows for Workgroups and sell the networking elements as a separate product ( similar networking code will be an integral part of standard Windows NT ) ; at worst , the company could be forced to split itself into two completely different companies , one for operating systems and languages , the other for applications .
6 For instance it might be predicted that aspects of situations which were highly inconsistent with a pre-existing schema would be better recognised than relatively consistent aspects , but less well recalled .
7 The hand was hot , the skin dry and the slender fingers lay in her palm like splinters of fine porcelain — she was afraid to squeeze them for fear they might snap .
8 He persuaded the government to allow a group of students to be sent to the USA in 1872 , but they were recalled for fear they might become ‘ too gay ( morally loose ) or western ’ ( Wang 1928 : 44 ) , a comment which would not be out of place in more recent times .
9 She carefully avoided the personal for fear she might learn more about me … a lesbian , a woman who loved other women .
10 She could not bear to watch him bathed for fear he might be dropped .
11 Last November he refused to chair a conference on AIDS for fear it might cause panic .
12 This will be a normal working day for the man and after work he might go off to the pub for a drink with his mates .
13 This evening after dinner you might wish to take the train ( 20 minutes ) in to Amsterdam for an exhilarating evening in what is undoubtedly Europe 's most surprising city .
14 After dinner he might finish some pressing publishing work , correcting manuscripts or writing blurbs ; if not inveigled by Hayward into escorting him to a party , or sitting with guests in the shared " living room " , he would retire to his own rooms for study or contemplation .
15 But after Richard III we would have second thoughts ; after Iago we might begin to doubt whether anyone could ever be trusted again .
16 Here are a few myths about exercise you might have believed in :
17 All six had conquered hardships of their own to help those in need and Celebrities Guild founder Ella Glazer said : ‘ They 're all remarkable people and it 's a pleasure for us to reward them for work which might otherwise go unmarked . ’
18 I did n't know what kind of play she might have been pulling .
19 In 1975 Dr ( later Lord ) William Marshall , the country 's leading champion of nuclear power , lamented before a House of Lords ' committee that at the current rate of progress there might be only two fast reactors on line by 2000 .
20 The spines were also slightly changed in shape ; it was as if the head of each had been blown up like a little balloon — just what biophysical theory would predict would need to happen if the electrical connections between the pre-and postsynaptic sides were being strengthened when the chick pecked the bitter bead ; and exactly the sort of change which might be predicted as a consequence of increased glycoprotein synthesis .
21 We had been advised that if we laid on a couple of bottles of champagne he might stay and chat for a while after the show .
22 But she 'd still let herself be fool enough to cling to the wisp of hope there might be someone of position who saw things different .
23 And Melanie 's laughter trickled to nothing when she saw his pale , bony face half-hidden by hair and could see nothing there , no hint of a smile or inflection of tenderness which might mean she would be spared .
24 They issue an er they issue an annuity , which is erm er if you 're not sure what an annuity is , this is a temporary annuity , and they might say in the case of Miss they might say well what about a ten year annuity ?
25 He did n't want to drag them , because even though it would give him more room there would be a risk of noise which might attract the attention of the housekeeper .
26 Sweeney and Jones and Pratt have made attempts to produce some basic definitions of level which might be helpful to librarians and users .
27 With a bit of luck she might even get a place on a flight that very day .
28 Well then you 'll have to sort , by then with a bit of luck you might of been established with somewhere yourself might n't ya ?
29 With a bit of luck you might go down this time .
30 However , his relations with his tenants were never happy , because while Lowther believed his town and harbour should be developed largely at the expense of the inhabitants , with modest financial encouragement from himself , he could never bring himself to make those concessions of self-government which might have persuaded his tenants to co-operate .
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