Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] be " in BNC.

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31 Although it was originally intended that entitlement to the allowance would cease at 65 , the upper age limit for payment has been extended twice , most recently by the 1989 Social Security Act , when it was changed from 75 to 80 .
32 The other Non-academic Parties will also notify the Lead Organization of the sale or transfer out of the Project of any capital equipment for which any claim for payment has been made under this Agreement .
33 An RUC spokesman confirmed that a police operation was carried out by C13 in the Shankill area after a member of the public alleged that demands for money had been made .
34 In the UK , attempts to gain greater value for money have been related more to the present depressed economic climate than any need to provide for the wider accountability of government expenditure .
35 The fact that the research in 18 of the 23 subjects offered for assessment has been rated as reaching a level of national significance or better provides a very satisfactory base on which to building the University 's future as a research university .
36 In an attempt to address this situation , alternative approaches to worker certification and improved opportunities for advancement have been developed in some countries .
37 A new test for TB has been devised which could save the lives of badgers .
38 Such increases in tannin in browsed Acacia nigrescens in southern Africa have been reported to take place in a few minutes and the production of ethylene during damage has been considered to be the promoter of tannin increase .
39 In Germany , the Social Democrats ' caution about reunification has been punished by an enthusiastic electorate .
40 First , the role of government , direct and indirect , in providing finance for industry has been distinctive but also controversial .
41 At this stage it would have been surprising if the theoretical basis for action had been anything other than weak : there was scant Marxist literature in Mexico available in Spanish .
42 The call for action has been put into practice in some parts of Latin America , especially in Central America .
43 The maximum penalty for conspiracy to murder was increased from ten years to life ; for causing explosions from twenty years to life ; and membership of proscribed organisations from five years to ten .
44 There was some confusion , however , as to whether any formal requests for aid had been received .
45 He said the plans for pedestrianisation had been badly thought out and should be scrapped before what he described as ‘ inevitable chaos ’ began .
46 Two sisters sentenced to life in prison for murder have been freed by the Appeal Court after it was revealed that the Police deliberately withheld crucial evidence .
47 A much smoother implementation of this system would have been possible if the team had been involved much earlier and/or more forward planning for computerisation had been possible .
48 In that moment , she almost broke down and told him she loved him desperately , for she could see , finally , that all her pretences in Thailand of his capacity for emotion had been just that : pretences .
49 Cecil made it quite clear that in his opinion , at least , the " strangers " in charge of the works were pretending to act simply and fairly towards the society but were thought to be dealing more for their own " private lucre " than for the benefit of the society , " … this despite diverse great sums of money due by them for rent having been remitted for their better encouragement to carry on the work … "
50 Ninety small firms are operating in the Brunswick Industrial Park , a marina now graces the once derelict docks and about 100 low income houses for rent have been built and over 200 flats for sale at the top end of the Merseyside housing market developed and sold .
51 The implications for administration have been noted if effective contacts are to be made throughout Scotland .
52 A FEUDING doctor who was awarded a record £150,000 damages against his partner for slander has been forced to give up his battle to get her to pay the cash .
53 Again , once the ground for review has been established , the adjudication officer must consider whether it is right to revise the decision in the light of the circumstances now revealed .
54 Mr Kinnock said his forecast of a 20-seat majority for Labour had been confirmed ‘ on the doorsteps ’ .
55 In Tirgu Mures , the HDUR candidate for mayor had been deemed ineligible to stand by a local court ; the party then supported an independent candidate , who won the election but then resigned after revelations that his nomination papers were irregular .
56 These assaults on the fundamental objective of antiracism and the attendant practice of multiculturalism in education , social work and other municipal services have passed largely unanswered and vocal political support for antiracism has been hard to find .
57 Gratifyingly , our relentless quest for luxury has been rewarded .
58 Symptoms developed four weeks after treatment for eczema had been started by the same hakim who had treated the first patient .
59 On 18 August it met with the Health Authority 's officials and asked them to conduct a public health survey which it would pay for , mainly to reassure the public that , although the EC limits for aluminium had been exceeded over 500 times , and those for sulphate , copper , zinc and lead had also been broken , there was no long-term harm .
60 In some foreign countries the hearing on aliment is dealt with at a separate subsequent diet after divorce has been granted but before the decree is formally pronounced .
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