Example sentences of "[noun sg] information on the " in BNC.

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1 911 is6packed full of first aid information on the correct procedures on a wide variety of injuries .
2 formed in the wake of the 1972 Stockholm conference , UNEP soon spawned the Global Environment Monitoring System ( GEMS ) as well as an international register of potentially toxic chemicals and a global network of sources to locate and provide technical , scientific and management information on the environment .
3 For general tourist information on the area , write to the Queensland Tourist and Travel Corporation , Queensland House , 392 Strand , London WC2R 0LZ .
4 The Labour plan calls for an increased effort to meet the EC nitrogen dioxide directive ; better monitoring and the regular broadcasting of air quality information on the media ; the retrospective fitting of catalytic converters to vehicles ; and a halt to the government 's road-building programme .
5 Their handheld CD audio players have at least familiarised the market place with both the concept of CD information on the move and the broad physical appearance of the player .
6 Over the past 20 years , more and more food producers and retailers have included nutrition information on the food label , although there is no legal requirement for them to do so .
7 Yeah the question was , Is it possible to store CAD information on the database ?
8 The drilling provided for the first time borehole information on the age and evolution of the Great Barrier Reef Pore morphology was seen to be a control on both the resistivity and velocity logs , and when combined with Formation Micro Scanner data , should enable laboratory research to provide the basis of enhanced geological interpretation of the downhole geophysical logs .
9 Thorough background information on the company will improve your interview performance
10 The panel members would discuss in an informal and concerned manner all the relevant background information on the life of the child before them .
11 Apart from the detailed maps and walking instructions , the guide provides a wealth of background information on the geology , history and archaeology of the area .
12 Some organisations employ relocation counsellors , others use their own staff resources , to provide wives with background information on the new location and to answer questions and deal with problems .
13 Briefing courses should provide the following general background information on the country : climate ; language ; local inhabitants ; communications ; politics ; cultural differences ; religion ; and laws .
14 Hidden behind a shrine-like structure are two touch-screen video programmes , designed to introduce visitors to Korean daily life as well as to provide background information on the more important exhibits .
15 the introduction ( this section ) , giving you basic notes on how to use the book , and full background information on the history of Constant Drachenfels and his Castle .
16 Mineral exploration companies should make early contact with the BGS to obtain background information on the geology , mineralisation and previous exploration of any area .
17 Background information on the spatial aspects of population change and related trends in demographic and social structure is provided by Compton ( 1982 ) ; Lawton ( 1982 ) ; and Champion ( 1983 ) .
18 There is information on a wide variety of topics including some interesting background information on the history of skiing …
19 As requested I have gathered some material which will hopefully provide you with the necessary background information on the issues to be addressed .
20 In a second form of the data , the transcript is ‘ enriched ’ by incorporating extra background information on the place sampled , and is standardised by computer coding into a form suitable for a large scale quantitative analysis .
21 Provide the participating member with basic background information on the local client and the target .
22 Consider what further background information on the target you should obtain prior to an effective and professionally-handled contact .
23 [ For background information on the FPR and its demands , see p. 37765 . ]
24 The Group has also established detailed background information on the workings of the Food Safety Act 1990 and the Food Hygiene ( Amendment ) Regulations .
25 [ For background information on the dispute , see ED64 . ]
26 without any background information on the er sell that has to be qualified .
27 The purpose of the interviewing programme was to collect background information on the nature of the railways and their industrial relations , and to examine a number of key issues and events with the actors who had participated in them .
28 So you ca n't dissolve a congress , there 's a fixed term , I 'll read you what the constitution says , it says the president shall from time to time give to the congress information on the state of the union you may have heard of the famous state of the union address to congress that the president makes on an annual basis and he shall recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient .
29 I 've been working in Cleveland , US for 4 months now , and am amazed that I get more up to date information on the week 's activities than when I lived outside London !
30 The Albanian authorities on Feb. 22 , 1990 , published for the first time information on the size of the country 's prison population .
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