Example sentences of "[noun sg] might be like " in BNC.

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1 So a typical card might be like this .
2 Our universe might be like that — it might have an infinite number of galaxies — but if so , it will have to go on for ever in all directions and would n't be the sort where an astronaut could do a round trip in a straight line .
3 I could n't even imagine what this sensation might be like any more , so utterly had it evaporated .
4 How , in Schelling 's terms ( 1979 ) , a state manages the balance between voluntarism and coercion is a central key to understanding what its future investment climate might be like , and thus its attractiveness to potential investors .
5 I do n't suppose for one moment she has given a thought to what life might be like if she had to ‘ make do ’ married to someone who was n't too well off .
6 He had often been on duty at the hospital , and then Comfort and Julia would lie on long cushioned chairs on the terrace , breathing in the lemon scent of the immense magnolia that sprawled up the old red brick of the house and talking about him and about what life might be like when they all left Oxford .
7 If one was asked to describe what Hell might be like , this would do .
8 ( The Double Helix , by James Watson , which tells of the race to find the molecular structure of DNA , is perhaps an example of what such a book might be like . )
9 For Gosse the Earth might be like Adam , supplied with what looks like evidence of its past history , but is not .
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