Example sentences of "[noun sg] erm and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 its going to come round at you in a minute , so I 'll talk about it until it gets to you , erm , it delighted my children this particular painting , erm and I decided to put my sort of analytical approach to one side erm and do something with that later , so this poem is from my , my children 's point of view and one of the things that are very interested , they were really worried , that , erm , I think it marks the height of the table and the fact that the puppies might fall off and do themselves some harm , that , I 'll read it while its going round and then I can see then , that , so this is , ok , from my children 's point of view this poem , its called Threes , Table laid and waiting , milk place in bowl not to high , they lap and swirl , played and roll , paws distance from knocking and breaking goblet , made from clay .
2 Where we have a different point of view is the point of view that says that a general education which will train the mind erm and expand capacity for judgement and so on , erm is perhaps more important than an exact knowledge of erm some particular political science theory .
3 So Keith has been doing a lot of work erm and putting on a database information about office traffic , Y T occupancy ,
4 Such as the Canton commune where down here in er Canton , perhaps the second major industrial city in China , the communists rose in revolt erm and attempted to establish erm a kind of red base in the city of Canton .
5 I think there is a case for old medicines , but I think that doctors are sometimes too conservative and the public are sometimes too conservative getting advice from their mother-in-law or from granny erm and going and buying a granny 's remedy , whereas in fact there 's something modern available which would be much more effective and perhaps much safer .
6 Yeah well thanks Jim , it 's been lovely meeting you and I , I 've enjoyed the evening erm and enjoyed , thanks for the tea and we 've been through
7 I actually invited him when I was Director of the British Film Academy to come to London erm and with the help erm of Brian Coe of Kodak we actually reconstructed about thirty seconds of this two-colour process erm and put it on a screen for our filmmaker colleagues in London .
8 One of the qualifications for being a Tory is that you can make comments like ‘ adverse comment ’ about a cut of this sort erm and remember that you have heard representations of the strongest sort from very well documented people who are going to be affected by these cuts .
9 So I see evaluation as a very democratic activity , which allows people perhaps to appreciate each other 's viewpoints a little more than might otherwise be the case erm and does n't pretend that people all feel the same about things , but at the same time it does n't attempt to sort of countermand the realities of the situation that , you know , each person ca n't go their own sweet way , there have to be quite a lot of collective decisions and people have to recognise where the majority opinion is , but at least they do it from a standpoint that erm where they feel their own value still has some worth and is still being recognised .
10 Erm I would go further than erm performance related pay for the cabinet and , and so on , and I would actually put them all on income support erm and see how they could cope !
11 Erm fi , finally what I say on , is , that we do need er , some firm indication this evening erm in order to enable Moat Housing Society to draw down the housing association grant for the housing corporation erm and to enable us , obviously to sign a er , the legal agreement with them .
12 It was n't my intention originally to go to the flat , it was my intention to reconnoitre the area in order that I could supply the officers who were going to do the actual operation with up to date information as to erm the methods of getting in to the block of flats because they had a coded key door erm and to acquaint myself of the actual physical erm presence of lifts , stairways and that sort of thing .
13 of it er but I 'd rather be viewed on my own merits on my own worth er be willing to take a few risks in life erm and know that I 've got the rewards at the end of it for making a success .
14 which is what I 've done for something else and what we simply did was to take an A 4 landscape sheet erm and carve a syllabus over I think that was sixteen or eighteen weeks or something up , and divide it into you know units of competence , elements of competence and the assignments and the homework
15 Also I mean er we take your point and we 've made it before Ken that there 's a real danger of asking for a report from someone like Professor Gower and then picking it , instead of actually taking the whole thing because it does actually add together in some sort of coherence erm and had Professor Gower 's report been an exception in this entirety , we may not have been had the pleasure of having you back again today , but thank you very much , er all three of you for coming points so clearly
16 Also I mean , we take your point and we 've made it before Ken that there 's a real danger of asking for a report from someone like Professor Gower and then cherry picking it , instead of actually taking the whole , because it does actually add together in some sort of coherence erm and had Professor Gower 's report been accepted in its entirety , we may not have been had the pleasure of having you back again today , but thank you very much er all three of you for coming .
17 Basically it was receiving telephone calls from the public erm and using that information to put on a computer to send officers to incidents various incidents .
18 So if you have a look at those and play with them for next time erm and make sure that you learn those two rules about if the signs are the same
19 Now I 'd like you to just have a look at these for next time erm and work them out on the number line .
20 Er , well Ray let us in on a little oak table erm and forget to ring up to find out whether
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