Example sentences of "[noun sg] over [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Uncertainty over performances at the South Bank Centre in London ended yesterday when management and unions agreed a pay deal .
2 The problems were compounded by a shortage of coal and natural gas and uncertainty over supplies of oil from the former Soviet Union .
3 In this single speech , Law foreshadowed the development of the party for the next fifteen years ; the strategic dilemma over relations with the other parties after the war , the need to make real concessions to make a coalition workable , the openings that could be created by a national leader of independent reputation ( Baldwin as it turned out ) , and the outcome when the moderate men of all parties came together in 1931 .
4 Dark over eyes in a dream and the mouth gone …
5 An argument by many atmospheric physicists , for example , is that shortcomings in the accuracy of weather prediction over periods of more than a few days largely results from the unsophisticated nature of existing models , the lack of suitable data and inadequate computer power ( see Fig. 9.3 , derived from Tyler 1989 ) .
6 The Rev Geoffrey Peters , of Manningham , Bradford — a keen cricket fan — said a silent prayer for an end to the rumpus over allegations by England batsman Allan Lamb that Pakistani fast bowlers cheated .
7 So important , in fact , that such a cloud would have had a braking effect on the Sun 's spin over aeons of time .
8 Mellor , again , who realises that it was irascibility over broadcasters in general that got the then government into the fine mess from which he had to extract it .
9 the view of the traffic planners here is that if the bike is to be seen as a realistic substitute to the car over distances of up to two km , then every point must be made accessible to it .
10 Functions of the Scottish Development Agency were to be split ; those relating to the environment were devolved , but not those relating to industrial investment because Whitehall was determined to keep command over questions of economic management .
11 The FA is taking no action against either club over incidents in the ground .
12 She is suing a hunter who chased wild boar on to her land and taking legal action over articles about her love life with Bernard , a close friend of extreme right-wing politician Jean-Marie le Pen .
13 Mr Zivkovic , a draughtsman who lived in Britain for 24 years after the war but now lives in Tasmania , Australia , was giving evidence for the defence in Lord Aldington 's libel action over allegations by Mr Nikolai Tolstoy and Mr Nigel Watts that he is a war criminal responsible for the forced repatriation of 70,000 Cossacks and Yugoslavs .
14 The judge had earlier given leave for Dr Odling-Smee to be called to give evidence for the defence in Lord Aldington 's libel action over allegations in a pamphlet that he is a war criminal responsible for the forced repatriation of 70,000 Cossacks and Yugoslavs who surrendered to the British in southern Austria in May 1945 .
15 When clubs in the lower divisions are fighting bankruptcy , living from day to day on a shoestring budget for want of funds that , to most First Division players , would be petty cash , it seems rather arrogant of Mr Taylor to be threatening strike action over sums of money and perquisites most footballers can only dream of .
16 Trainer Mark Tompkins is predicting a big future over hurdles for this strapping filly , but in the meantime has his sights firmly set on Doncaster 's £30,000 November Handicap .
17 Specifying ANDF alongside standards such as X/Open and GOSIP would allow users to fulfill their hardware and software requirements and gain greater leverage over suppliers in procurement deals , says Robertson .
18 In addition to according the USSR a forceful say in the economic priorities of its trading partners , there is evidence that Soviet leverage over terms of trade has produced specific concessions in the foreign policy arena ( such as material and diplomatic support for Soviet policy in South Yemen and Angola ; offset costs for Soviet forces deployed in the Warsaw Pact ) .
19 The assumptions underpinning the theory are that new suppliers can easily enter the market and there are no restraints on trade ; that consumers are well-informed about their wants and the choices open to them and can exert leverage over sellers by threatening to take their business elsewhere .
20 The issue of conscription was a particularly tender one for the union , for it had for some time been under pressure from the Admiralty over breaches of the obligation of seamen , nominally enforced by the Board of Trade , that sailors should be on board their ships on time and hence not delay sailings .
21 Likewise , enterectomy caused a 32% increase in relative pancreatic weight over controls at two weeks and a 50% increase at three weeks .
22 However , the nub of Sybase 's interest in the group is thought to be focused at what it can do to make its client/server technology more object-oriented and therefore steal a march over competitors like Oracle Corp and Informix Software .
23 The confusion over nomenclature betrays a deeper confusion over aims in relation to writing .
24 Confusion over deaths of Senegalese ECOMOG soldiers
25 Editor , — It is unfortunate that Gary P Bray adds to the confusion over deaths from paracetamol overdose by an apparent failure to recognise the difference between the cause of death and a coroner 's verdict as to its motivation .
26 There is also confusion over applications about residential care .
27 It is necessary to keep distinct two issues which can arise under the general rubric of review over findings of fact .
28 In this sense all that review over findings of fact means is that the court will decide what meaning the particular statutory provision should bear .
29 Ditton worked in the bakery over vacations for a few years and reckoned that each man had an illegal income of about 10 per cent of his bread sales , very little of which appeared as a loss in the firm 's financial records .
30 Successive governments have refused to implement the recommendation of the Evershed Committee in 1953 that the costs of going to law over issues of general public importance should be paid out of public funds .
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