Example sentences of "[noun sg] over [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She was accustomed to exercise for , each morning for the past two weeks , Sharpe had saddled her at three o'clock , then ridden her south to watch the dawn break over the Sambre valley , but this morning , hearing the crackle of musketry to the east , he had ridden the mare much further than usual .
2 Fred Crocombe went on to work for Boulton Paul Aircraft , and often reflected on how close he came to being one of those many aviator 's lost mysteriously without a trace over the wide expanse of the sea .
3 They were able to respond swiftly because they already have a secret ballot strike mandate over an ongoing pay dispute .
4 Strain the custard over the tangerine pulp and stir in the dissolved gelatine .
5 On 7 June 1972 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) issued a standard on asbestos exposure at work which took effect over a four-year period to 1 July 1976 .
6 This can have a rather unsettling effect over a long period — the family man can not promise to take his children to the seaside or his wife out to dinner more than a week ahead without the chance that he might be in India , California or Scotland at the time he promised .
7 You can generate the dust by rubbing the Polychromos Pastels against fine sandpaper , a practical use for small remnant pieces that would otherwise be difficult to use up , or you can do as I do and spread the dust from very lightly applied pastel strokes , placed to allow a very deliberate development of the effect over a localised area .
8 This ends just before the large A4031 bridge from which the canal emerges to cross over an aqueduct over a minor road with a public house below on the left and then crosses over another aqueduct over the railway main line through Birmingham .
9 ( The Regional Council already propose the upgrading of the towpath EAST of Wester Hailes , and of the short section from Calders Cres. to the aqueduct over the new city bypass , so eventually we shall have an almost continuous route to/from the city centre ) .
10 The Government did however put in a £200 million investment programme over a four-year period ( the previous annual average , apart from one missile development programme , had been £5 million ) .
11 Thanks largely to our supporters around the world , we in UNICEF have put everything we can into our worldwide immunisation programme over the past few years .
12 I met the management of Trent Buses , which operates in a very competitive , deregulated environment , and I am glad to say that its investment programme over the past five years has been impressive .
13 ‘ The convulsion of war has opened our eyes to many strange things ’ , he wrote in 1919 , ‘ Few of us had realised till war had exposed it how thin is the veneer of civilisation over the underlying animal proclivities … the failure of religion to direct , and education to balance , the actions of men . ’
14 On the evidence of his prolific plundering over the opening furlongs only those with a penchant for an eggy face would do so with any lack of compunction .
15 Harmonic schemes on a larger scale , spanning large movements or in successions of movements , also require planning , for some change of key over a large area is needed to create contrast and relief .
16 Important as the price of oil may be , the uncertainty over a possible physical shortage of supply was an equally compelling concern , with IEA active in formulating contingency plans for stock sharing in this event .
17 The school 's curriculum manager and acting vice-principal , Phil Dean , said there was a lot of uncertainty over the new number seven overlapping the old C and D grades .
18 The exchange , headed by Peter Rawlins , said uncertainty over the general election and worries about the economy kept investors on the sidelines last year .
19 While simple coral beads have been clinically successful , there is some uncertainty over the long-term stability of pure corals .
20 However it is recognized that decisions by overseas students to accept or reject offers are influenced by a more complex set of factors than for home students , and there remains uncertainty over the appropriate offer ratios to be applied .
21 After several months of uncertainty over the future political direction of the Civic Forum movement , its contending factions agreed in February to form separate organizations ; the Democratic Right Club 's supporters were to become the Civic Democratic Party , while the Liberal Club would formed itself into the Civic Movement .
22 Ronald Venetiaan , the candidate of the coalition New Front for Democracy and Development ( NF ) , was elected President on Sept. 7 , ending four months of uncertainty over the future government of the country .
23 This has been fuelled by uncertainty over the exact figures with Eurotunnel claiming a final cost of about £7bn , Transmanche Link £7.5bn , and the banks ' technical advisers £8.1bn plus a six month delay in opening .
24 Prime Minister Felipe González , the leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers ' Party ( PSOE ) , on April 5 won a vote of confidence in the Congress of Deputies , concluding five months of uncertainty over the exact distribution of seats in the 350-seat Congress resulting from the October general election , after which recounts and repeat elections had been necessary in a number of constituencies .
25 Eventually these ideas coalesced into the belief that Germany 's rise as a new state and as an industrial power was being hampered by uncertainty over the unreliable national loyalties of the Slav peoples in the east , by the back-stabbing machinations of the Jews inside Germany , and by the threat of communism that came in both Slav and Jewish forms .
26 The uncertainty over the Scottish party 's position arose after Mr Smith set out his vision for Labour 's future at the start of last week .
27 If your fabric is very stiff , make one 4 cm turning and zig-zag stitch over the raw edge or glue in place .
28 It is important , too , that close attention is paid to image building ( e.g. banks and insurance companies must be seen to be stable , reliable institutions , but with a friendly , non-intimidating attitude — an image which banks in particular have spent a lot of money fostering over the past decade ) .
29 It appears that " the Free Church in the year 1855 and since that time have worshipped in a loft over a stable — the supply of ordinances has been irregular but the attachment of the adherents of the Free Church has been steadfast . "
30 I slipped out through the double gates of the burial ground to the Horse Fair , and we crept into the loft over the stable there .
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