Example sentences of "[noun sg] over [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Had problems occurred , the peripheral configuration could have been reconnected to the 600J so that service could continue to be provided until the problems were resolved and the cut over completed on the next weekend .
2 Later that evening , the interview over several of Sutherland 's rather uncomfortably-phrased quotes come flooding back .
3 The view taken here is that one can produce quite easily a catechism of doom , supported with prodigious rates of soil loss over millions of hectares ( and some examples are given in this book ) .
4 But the thing that I reflected on was here we were , into our third bombing year , and the mighty Eighth Air Force had come to our aid over thousands of miles of land and 2,000 miles plus of sea ; and they can come down through the clouds and land almost within sight of the place they were making for , with no navigation aids at all .
5 Well , Dell has apparently run a car over one of the new machines and it still worked afterwards !
6 So the reader is entitled to some scepticism over some of his more outrageous statements .
7 These measures would involve society in exercising directive intelligence through some appropriate organ of action over many of the intricacies of private business , yet it would leave private initiative and enterprise unhindered ’ ( quoted Estrin and Holmes , 1983 , p. 8 ) .
8 The draft constitution , to be voted on in the April referendum , would reduce the legislature to a single , bicameral body ; specify the supremacy of federal law over that of constituent republics ; and retain the President as " head of state and the highest executive in Russia " .
9 The government still had this vital hold over many of its educated youth .
10 But they could still depend on their hold over many of the British chieftains and their families .
11 But in the twenties and the early thirties , it exerted a considerable influence over much of London and the Home Counties .
12 The establishment has successfully monopolised the major positions within the state and the social institutions allied to the state , and it has exercised a pervasive influence over those outside its own ranks .
13 Put your pointer over one of the sides of the border that now stretches for twelve cells , click , and drag the range to where you want it .
14 Each year , mining levels mountain peaks and kills off plant and animal species that have adapted to the habitat over thousands of years .
15 That highly-creditable figure reflects nonetheless a fall over each of the last two seasons .
16 The first thing he did on arriving in Manchester at the weekend was pop over unannounced to Billy Boston 's pub in Wigan , where his likeness jostles for space with the owner 's on the tap room wall .
17 Dr Hughes , who said UKOOA would urgently seek views of members on the detailed impact of the moves , pointed out that the changes could mean the industry as a whole losing from £300 million to £400 million in cash flow which could have been used for reinvestment over each of the next two years .
18 In the light of these beliefs , he concluded ( 1970 p 117 ) that Bentham 's Panopticon far from being progressive could justly be characterised as regressive " since he used its design to vaunt the merits of security over those of liberty .
19 And , in order to accomplish this , energy management systems , like the internal arrangement of the Panopticon , vaunt the merits of security over those of liberty .
20 As I eased the Transit over some of the more violent ruts in the track , I noticed that one of the lean-tos was in fact an old single decker bus from which the wheels had been removed .
21 As the name suggests , it 's a circular route and takes the walker over some of the most beautiful countryside in the north-east .
22 Food safety minister David Maclean casts an eye over one of the incinerators at the companions rest animal crematorium , at Elmstone Hardwick near Cheltenham .
23 High pressures and temperatures drive off volatile gases from the peat over millions of years and compact it to form coal .
24 In his manifest ascendancy over millions of Indians , he challenged their monopoly of the force of personality .
25 In conditions of rising population , such as we may assume for most of this period over most of Europe , land is scarce and labour plentiful , and the lords may commonly compel land-hungry peasants to accept their terms .
26 The Press and Media Relations Officer has costed a number of possible alternatives ( Appendix C ) , and there needs to be close collaboration between Public Services Department , the Curator , and the Business Development Director over all of our promotional activities .
27 As for multi-processing , Bull says it has recently woken up to the fact that it has a lead over most of its competitors — the Motorola-based DPX/2 line has supported symmetrical multi-processing with up to four processors for years , and now claims to have cornered a leading 20% share of the symmetrical multi-processing market .
28 As Rangers attempt to win the domestic treble , and hold a 12-point lead over Celtic in the Premier Division , while harbouring notions of the European Cup , Liam Brady 's side will finish their fourth season in a row without a trophy of any description .
29 ( Sellafield is the most striking exception in the numbers of nuclear and construction workers working together on the same site over most of a 40 year period . )
30 However , the data in Table 2 do not suggest that the disadvantaged areas of Continental Europe have any major advantage in terms of yields of primary product over those in Britain and Ireland ( Table 3 ) .
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