Example sentences of "[noun sg] down into the " in BNC.

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1 Grease and press the base down into the tin so that the snipped pieces fold up around the sides of the tin .
2 Before returning , a look down into the tremendous ravine of Ling Gill below the bridge will reveal a most impressive scene , the beck hurrying along a bouldery bed fringed by trees and cliffs on its way to join the Ribble ; several minor caves have been found and explored along its banks but the rough terrain is a deterrent to walkers who prefer to travel sedately .
3 She waited as the woman disappeared into one of the inner offices , moving to the window and taking a look down into the street .
4 A new scar ran from the line of his jaw down into the collar of his open tunic , and Jehan guessed that Artai had broken the law which forbade the ill-treatment of captives , and he frowned .
5 We let the grating fall back and throw the last branch down into the darkness ; it catches on the branches stuck near the top of the shaft .
6 a little bit down into the .
7 One day , after he had been having lessons for some time , his father was called away by the boss : there was a horse in the ditch : it had gone to sleep on the edge and had rolled upside down into the ditch and could n't get out .
8 Robin Belcher was paddling in Australian colours and he and partner Fraser dropped their K2 upside down into the water while relaunching from the moderately high jetty at Chertsey .
9 Alternatively , subducted oceanic crust may be able to pull adjacent continental crust down into the asthenosphere .
10 Across the whole end of the building , stretching from the ceiling down into the river , was a curtain of linked metal like thick over-sized chicken wire , presumably originally installed to keep thieves away from any boat in the dock .
11 Push tool down into the second stitch — the first stitch will slip behind the latch and you can ‘ crochet ’ the second stitch through the first .
12 She began plunging the pole down into the pot once more but , feeling suddenly rebellious , she stopped work and went outside for a breath of fresh air .
13 Top of their shopping list is a robot that can climb stairs The restoration team wants to send a robot down into the basement of the reactor , which is flooded with contaminated water .
14 Her heart in her mouth , Tabitha Jute followed the band down into the halls of JustSleep .
15 Beyond this palace , turn to your right down into the Italian quarter by following the stairs of St John 's Hill ( Jánský vršek ) to the bottom .
16 Holly wriggled , squirmed , manoeuvred his body down into the hole .
17 A calm relaxing feeling flows throughout the body as though lead weights were slowly pulling the body down into the chair , heavier and heavier , more and more calm at every moment .
18 The dark rim around the bright mound is artefactual : the coverslip has pressed the top of the mound down into the plane of optical section and thereby pushed down the epidermis around the foot of the mound below that plane .
19 One by one he filled each chamber with powder and then , without wadding or patch , placed a soft lead ball on its mouth and pulled the long lever beneath the barrel ; this lever moved the rammer which forced the lead down into the chamber and sealed it so completely , the Collector had been assured , that the powder would still fire even if you immersed your arm completely in water .
20 Off to the north here is a road that plunges with an astonishing directness down into the valley of the Ouzon and out on to the flat , south-east of Pau .
21 But in 1956 Arkell changed his mind and ( partly , one suspects , for the sake of tidiness ) pushed the Callovian down into the Middle Jurassic .
22 He tucked the ticket down into the top pocket of his official tunic .
23 I swung down at the bottom , deciding to go head first , face up , curling my back down into the soft river bed , praying …
24 We moved fast back up the stairs , along the passage and back down into the lobby of the Regal Arms , trying not to run .
25 It was a silent drive back down into the town .
26 In answer she shrugged the thin silk robe from her shoulders , then drew his head down into the cushion of her breasts , curling her legs about him .
27 It bucked and screamed , then charged head down into the blackness of the space between the high walls .
28 For here was certainly the closest cover on all that path from the ferry down into the Foregate .
29 John Cole said that he was going to take his camera crew down into the foyer but , before he could do so , the Bridal Suite was invaded by the survivors of a defeated army .
30 She slipped from the wall down into the lane , pulled Thérèse after her .
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