Example sentences of "[noun sg] because [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless it was felt that the papers deserved a wider circulation because of their intrinsic interest to a larger audience .
2 The industrialisation of agriculture and the spread of commercial forestry also arouse opposition because of their impact on rural landscapes , wildlife , the welfare of farm animals and , most recently , the safety and quality of food .
3 Other towns were changed out of all recognition because of their location at centres of major railway lines .
4 Yet thousands of people do in effect do this when they reject religion because of the hypocrisy , superstition and dogmatism of some of its advocates , and when they accept religion because of their own taste for status , a safe life , or being hypnotized by the magnetism of some charismatic figure .
5 The Observer and Guardian were popularly believed to have lost revenue because of their opposition to the Eden government 's Suez policy at the end of 1956 , but other such cases are difficult to find .
6 Organic molecules frequently are used in the commercial inorganic chemical industry because of their effects on the flow of fluids , and on the break-up or growth of inorganic particles : just the sorts of effects , in short , that could have influenced the ‘ success ’ of lineages of replicating crystals .
7 Steel telescopic or extendible tracks are a good investment because of their adaptable length , making fitting easier , but they are suitable only for straight runs .
8 They get away with murder because of their buying power .
9 Now they are having to change their attitude as more and more public school kids rifle shops in London 's Kings Road and South Molton Street for the best in designer gear Because of their rich clientele , the shops have not previously used the tags and electronic security systems used in high street stores to protect themselves against the £1.5 billion-worth of goods lost through shoplifting each year But designer clothes are attracting designer thieves .
10 In Chapter 1 it was suggested that Beccaria may have felt inhibited in including economic and social conditions in his programme because of their dangerous political implications .
11 He finds that there are six classes of selection methods with high validity — peer ratings , biodata , ability tests , assessment centres , work sample tests and job knowledge tests , and concludes that ability tests are probably the best alternative because of their high generality , high practicality and low cost .
12 They used the ring because of their line into Switzerland .
13 For instance , members of Volga communes were apt to be more outward-looking than those in Kursk guberniia because of their wider market ties and better transport facilities .
14 Wimbledon had been expected to bear the brunt of the FA 's displeasure because of their past record .
15 ‘ Bribery and corruption by large corporations are most serious forms of crime because of their inegalitarian consequences .
16 But Wilkes said they can offer something unique to their practice because of their direct experience of oppression .
17 The paper will then focus on records in the scientific arena , as an example , to illustrate what impact there could be to historical research because of their electronic nature .
18 ‘ Sexism ’ means setting people at disadvantage because of their sex .
19 Once it is accepted that principles can be part of the law for reasons not reflecting convention but just because they are morally appealing , then a door is opened for the more threatening idea that some principles are part of the law because of their moral appeal , even though they contradict what convention has endorsed .
20 John turned out to be fairly wonderful himself as I left his shop on Friday afternoon clutching two nice new buoyancy aids which did score heavily over our present equipment because of their possession of quick-release harnesses .
21 The sounds/h/ , /w/ , / wh/ , / y/ and the final voiced/th/ are omitted from the test because of their relative low frequency of occurrence .
22 On the whole , these are to be preferred for video work because of their ability to relate what you hear to what you see .
23 There were also others who felt that they had to stop work because of their own or their spouse 's ill health .
24 those who have accepted the teachers ' view of them that they are thick and who see no point in pursuing any further academic work because of their acknowledged inability , and
25 Two of the region 's MPs could face bankruptcy because of their involvement in disastrous Lloyds insurance syndicates .
26 Not surprisingly , social workers are very hesitant to use this section and patients do , albeit rather infrequently , continue to deteriorate in the community because of their nearest relatives ' wishes .
27 The areas covered include some which have attracted little or no interest in the past , but are considered worthy of investigation because of their geological setting .
28 Citizens Chairman , President and Chief Executive Officer Larry Fish told employees the two banks make a good match because of their shared philosophy about the way to treat customers and employees , and the way they conduct business .
29 Similarly , some pressure groups secure attention because of their expert knowledge .
30 As the police car hummed round the block , one or two other houses caught Dexter 's attention because of their air of dirt and dilapidation : divided into bed-sits , they had batteries of bells by the main door , broken windows mended with brown tape and unkempt front gardens crammed with junk .
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