Example sentences of "[noun sg] may [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 When pecuniary losses are added the outcome of an assessment of the plaintiff 's damage may be that it is worth , say , between £8,000 and £10,500 .
2 although through speculating about the role of the unobservable ‘ anticipated reactions ’ of one actor to another or considering the values and interests which failed to emerge in the policy making process , it may entertain the possibility of hidden power processes its main weakness may be that it is a description rather than an analysis of power relationships .
3 After a few months off , your main worry may be that you wo n't be able to cope with a full-time job , which will probably put you off returning to what you were doing before the baby .
4 In a rape case the typical defence argument is that the woman consented to intercourse , while in sex murder the defence may be that she provoked him .
5 A by-product of Labour leaders ' responsiveness to the new thinking may be that the party relieves itself of some commitments which have been electoral liabilities in the past .
6 The most pungent criticism of the president may be that so much of his attention is on the Gulf , and so little of it elsewhere .
7 If there is another rights issue , a possible result may be that the major shareholders will decide to take out the minority interest .
8 Although this may be unwelcome , particularly if you are very fond of the place in which you live , the alternative may be that you spend the next few years in a state of anxiety and misery because of money worries .
9 While a corollary of the new deal may be that some consultants will have to take a more direct role in the acute management of patients , this in no way diminishes the attraction of a senior post .
10 A longer-term effect may be that the national press will cease to act as a focus of left-wing radicalism and political challenge to established processes .
11 Even then , there may be limits to an exclusion — if it is drawn so widely as to protect a party from all liability , even for total non-performance , its effect may be that the party has promised nothing ; there is therefore no contract , or at best only a unilateral one .
12 The way in which this is worked out in law may be that it would be an abuse of the process of the court to allow the creditor under such circumstances to sue , or it may be , and I prefer that view , that there is an extinction of the debt ; but , whichever way it is put , it comes to the same thing , namely that , after acceptance by the creditor of a sum offered by a third party in settlement of the claim against the debtor , the creditor can not maintain an action for the balance … .
13 A claim against an expert may be that : ( 1 ) he has failed to carry out the reference properly ; or ( 2 ) he has failed to deliver a timely decision ; or ( 3 ) he has not followed the parties ' instructions : or ( 4 ) he has not kept to the standard of skill and care of his profession .
14 For some the spur may be that it would be more useful to be able to read the health and safety rules of the factory in which they work , or to be able to make sense of the words in the mail order catalogue in which they are required to shop .
15 ‘ Is it safe to do that , knowing one outcome may be that at the end of the process we exclude sexual abuse ?
16 Your conclusion may be that if the facts are so-and-so , he is liable ; if they are such and such , he is not .
17 The disadvantages of market-orientation may be that it requires special leadership ( a ‘ bureaucratic ’ management would fail to achieve the required inter-relationships between the organisation and its customers ) and is likely to be costly in terms of staffing and other overheads .
18 The one good effect of the poll tax may be that it forces the sale of these empty properties to people who will breathe new life into half-dead communities .
19 Given this variation in language forms and use , the danger may be that teachers do not realise the extent of the variation , or that they regard the creole language forms as haphazard .
20 A further complication may be that any sideslipping to correct for drift may cause the ASI to under-read so that the speed may have to be judged .
21 Donald thinks otherwise — and the upshot may be that he will sue .
22 Yet as we noted in our tenth report : ‘ The price that some children may pay for demanding little of the teacher may be that they are given work which demands little of them ’ ( Alexander et al .
23 The truth may be that in the long run , as Lincoln thought , people are not fooled .
24 The truth may be that her stoical-witty-rueful literary persona may even steer the writer towards the sort of life that ensures her material does n't dry up .
25 The reason for this behaviour may be that sea-lions sometimes lie in wait among the kelp near the shore , ready to grab an unwary bird as it makes the transition from the safety of the deep sea to the land .
26 The assumption in the third comment may be that if a change occurs and you do n't see it happen , then it must happen when you are not there .
27 Deep down inside , our belief may be that on the whole we 're a bad lot .
28 One reason for this relative neglect may be that so many earlier surveys gave such clear and unequivocal results : at virtually every stage of education , by virtually every criterion of achievement , middle-class children had higher levels of achievement than working-class children .
29 One reason for this lack of success may be that it is unlikely that individuals will make public , in a regular meeting , what is on their left-hand columns .
30 One of the reasons for this preference may be that I first came to know it at Windrush .
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