Example sentences of "[noun sg] did [pron] he " in BNC.

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1 Hence , provided the independent contractor was one who could reasonably be entrusted with such work and the hotelier did what he could to ensure that the work was done properly , the lift company as independent contractors will alone be liable .
2 Old Shallot did what he could .
3 Shallot did what he could .
4 And went on , ‘ When my mother died , ten years ago , my father did what he 'd wanted to do for a long time and moved into here , leaving me the palazzo . ’
5 Before he had fully conceived the idea of The Four Quartets , he had remarked that what drew him to Beethoven was that in these last works the composer did what he himself had sought to do in poetry — and may have actually done in ‘ forty or fifty lines ’ — namely to ‘ get beyond ’ that art .
6 And the Kaiser did everything he could to ensure that his son should be no more than a figurehead in the army given under his command .
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