Example sentences of "[noun sg] than as a " in BNC.

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1 He did n't have to change , he simply had to present himself as more of a lovable reprobate than as a spirit of corruption ; PR was everything , as long as it did n't cross the thin line over into patronisation .
2 The difference between these tax bases arises at the practical level in that some things are more easily measured as a stock than as a flow , for example the value of a painting .
3 This is the distortion of perception referred to by Bruch , but I must add that in my case I see it less as a longstanding perceptual difficulty than as a consequence of my general state of confusion as to my self-image .
4 Eventually , more as a matter of course than as a reward , he was made an Adjudicator ; judge , jury and executioner , all rolled into one .
5 Overall , within the culture of antislavery economic boycott and free-produce activities worked much less significantly as a way of drawing in support than as a mark which some abolitionists chose to display of their antislavery identity .
6 Rudd 's promotions were probably attempts to remunerate a man who was of more value to the Tudor state as a cartographer than as a cleric .
7 Today , 30 years after his death , Lewis is remembered more as the author of such enchanting children 's stories as The Lion , the Witch and the Wardrobe than as a writer and broadcaster on ethical and religious questions , but it is one of those BBC sermons which he delivers at the beginning of this play .
8 Finding herself jobless and with little to do , she drew upon her past experience of life in the Mediterranean and began compiling recipes ‘ less with any thought of future publication than as a personal antidote to the bleak conditions and acute food shortages of immediate post-war England ’ .
9 It was seen more as a patriotic form of national self-expression than as a pro-nazi organization and hence was not closed down in September 1939 when war was declared .
10 It was an inglorious episode in English history , little remembered since , and regarded at the time less as a disgrace than as a deliverance .
11 Indeed , for a long while the possession of a domestic clock or a watch tended to be restricted to the wealthy and was looked upon more as a sign of affluence than as a social necessity .
12 Mariana herself is remembered more as a name on a family tree than as a person .
13 However , a really heavy paper does not impress and is often seen more as ostentation than as a sign of quality .
14 Well , of course there 's Rick there , but more as a discreet colouration than as a basic tone .
15 For all the truth of these points , and for all the striking contrasts , military production would appear to function more as a favoured section of the economy than as a separate one .
16 Hunter 's known subjects are few — two , to be precise , and both private commissions — and intended as practical examples of his research , related more to improving contemporary methods of preserving anatomical specimens for the medical student than as a deliberate contribution to the undertaking trade .
17 But as the 1980s progressed , the Brick Lane site was becoming more valuable as a potential development area than as a brewery .
18 The latter falls off more rapidly , indicating that the turbulence changes in a way that makes it relatively less efficient as a heat transfer mechanism than as a momentum transfer mechanism .
19 The domestically-oriented , nurturing talk of the miner 's wife , by contrast , is more likely to be taken as a product of her nature or her role than as a culturally-determined genre , and it is seen as something she shares with all other women .
20 Even so , The Survivors is less convincing as a portrayal of a dire predicament than as a formal arrangement set up by the figures as they stretch and strain over the raft .
21 In 1956 , the French critic Bernard Gavoty published a monograph on Karajan that was much preoccupied with Karajan 's temperament and musicianship at a time when he was being increasingly regarded more as an ambitious virtuoso superstar than as a totally dedicated musician .
22 Practical theories and theoretized practice meet somewhere in the middle , and it may be more fruitful to see them as a continuum than as a dichotomy .
23 And although Mr Kohl promises that Germany will eventually amend its constitution and shoulder its proper military responsibilities in the world , he would prefer to sell that to his own people as a pro-European gesture than as a pro-American one .
24 It said that he was more suited in his role as surveyor of Crown property than as a designer of the Downing Street offices .
25 She suspected that the Bishop and the Archdeacon had invited her to the meeting more to enlist her help as a sleuth than as a source of information of a kind which might be to them , in any case , unwelcome .
26 We have pointed out that her ambitions are relatively lowly and that she could earn far more and do more interesting work as a doctor than as a nurse , but her attitudes seem thoroughly entrenched .
27 The online catalogue has been described as interactive ; however , it would seem that this attribute has been described more in relation to its predecessor than as a fully developed feature .
28 We are now supposed to understand Enterprise Solutions less as a show than as a high-level executive meeting that might pass for a meeting of the Unix War College .
29 Doug Green went on to tutor Jane Dubar : ‘ Actually I think I learnt as actually part of the INSET course more from being a tutor than as a teacher participant . ’
30 The difference between these two senses lies simply in the fact that loosening the nexus allows the main clause to be interpreted more as a consequence of the actualization of the contingent event expressed by the infinitive than as a judgement on the appropriateness of its occurrence .
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