Example sentences of "[noun sg] then it was " in BNC.

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1 That 's right , it was better in the spring then it was
2 Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone running to a car then it was driven off at speed , and they did n't seem to care about the traffic
3 If her hurried attempt to close it was a betrayal then it was only another in a long line of mistakes .
4 Throughout his long marriage his homosexuality caused him great unhappiness , and if there was any one key to Laughton 's greatness as an actor then it was surely his sense of being a misfit , uneasy in his own skin and forever on the outside of the social , sexual , and familial demands of his upbringing and conditioning .
5 If , alternatively , it was a gift then it was incomplete , since the transfers of property had not been made and it might be said , therefore , that the cousins could revoke the incomplete gift .
6 If the target word was the only word selected at a particular position and was below the threshold score then it was replaced by ‘ ? ? ? ’ — the recogniser 's indication that it is unable to recognise any word .
7 On the , on the ration then it was .
8 At home people rallied round automatically ; it was taken for granted that if someone was in trouble then it was everyone else 's business to help .
9 It was felt that if such unity could be achieved in the poorly organized wool textile trade then it was even more likely that it might be achieved in better organized industries .
10 Mind you it was paint then it was n't like it is today , it was sort of good lead paint was put on , and it did last .
11 Their Lordships refused to look at the internal workings of Parliament stating that if errors had occurred in the procedure for passing legislation then it was for Parliament alone to correct them .
12 The yard then it was n't tar just a loose surface .
13 John Lindsay , vice-chairman of CIPFA 's Scottish branch , said that if cost was a factor which was driving local government reorganisation then it was important that ministers and officials of the Scottish Office had the best information available .
14 In cases of manumission , the slave in the first place had a dispensation from the normal prohibition on bringing suit against his master ; furthermore , after the Trajanic SC Rubrianum the tendency of the whole process before the praetor fideicommissarius was towards a declaration by the judge , and if the declaration was in favour of freedom then it was given effect by means of a fiction that the slave had actually been given direct freedom under the testator 's will .
15 You did n't you did n't have a kettle then it was
16 If they made a mistake on this account then it was the wood 's fault , not theirs .
17 Again perceptions of the value of these interviews differed , but one teacher went so far as to say that if it needed an appraisal to bring these advisers into the school then it was worth it .
18 If the target word in the position had a recognition score lower than the threshold then it was omitted .
19 If what she had done was a sin then it was only right she should be punished .
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