Example sentences of "[noun sg] could not take " in BNC.

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1 Alan had asked me to arrive in good time with the Registration of Death certificate and , equally important apparently , the cheque , without which the cremation could not take place .
2 His mind could not take in all the implications of this sudden realization .
3 Such a contribution can not be assessed , but assuredly , the research could not take place without it .
4 Such a contribution can not be assessed , but assuredly , the research could not take place without it .
5 " Once , " said Daniel , " I was in Charing Cross Hospital , someone 's kid had taken an overdose and died , they pump them out there regular as clockwork but this one 's liver could n't take any more .
6 A spokeswoman for the Ombudsman 's office said the draft report was still in the hands of the DTI and that publication could not take place until it had been returned .
7 Even the summer sun could not take the grey away from the thick band of the Thames , sluggishly curving towards Wandsworth .
8 Morality could not take precedence in the determination of foreign policy because of structural differences between the setting for individual behaviour and the setting for international behaviour .
9 ‘ Emily , the marriage could not take place yet , ’ he told her .
10 The question of prohibited degrees , within which marriage could not take place , also appears in the late seventh century , when bishop Leodegar of Autun is said to have attacked the marriage of Childeric II to his cousin Bilichild .
11 Faith in collective bargaining could not take root .
12 It was recently applied in Commercial Plastics Ltd v Vincent [ 1965 ] 1 QB 623 where it was said that as the provision was a single one and could not correctly be divisible into two or more parts severance could not take place .
13 The Cleveland firm which installed the panelling for a drugs trial could not take it down until today at the earliest .
14 And her husband could n't take his eyes off her .
15 My imagination could not take me to such depths of anger , so I implored her to tell me what was happening before Kareem ( my husband ) paid his afternoon visit .
16 Ltd. , formerly part of the UndergrounD Group , but which London Transport could not take over .
17 Some would say that the universe is such that a resurrection could not take place , and they would base this assertion on " science " .
18 The ANC also rejected the call made by de Klerk that the ANC become a political party , saying that such a transformation could not take place until a constitution was in place allowing the participation of blacks at all levels .
19 Coffin could n't take his eyes off it .
20 Mary would work like a slave , but a woman could not take the animals to market , though he knew of widows living alone , soldiers ' wives mostly , who farmed on in a rough way by themselves , their cattle straying and mixing with the herds of others , their oats still standing in November …
21 Defries , Daak and Ace could n't take their eyes from it as the shuttle took them inexorably towards it and it grew across the window .
22 But doctors say a smaller chair could n't take her body weight .
23 no completely void because you ca n't severe the good from the bad in section fourteen , your Lordship could n't take a blue pencil and , and , and find some words in section fourteen which say erm , you know , I can take out an article eighty five claim or I can allow an article eighty five claim but I can leave something else in
24 The process of conception as such is not affected , and the scientist no more ‘ creates ’ a baby than does the obstetrician who performs a Caesarean section , an operation which has saved the lives of countless mothers and babies in situations where birth could not take place by the natural route .
25 So the ambassador could not take a single firm line .
26 If this were not possible , inter-subjective communication could not take place .
27 However , if the relevant project could not take place at all without cooperation , then Article 85(1) will not be infringed .
28 Dad could n't take it because it 's confidential
29 This philosophy produced strong and excellent aeroplanes so long as one was quite sure which members were in tension and which in compression , for , though a strut could at a pinch take tension , a wire could not take compression .
30 Though Dr Runcie and his party could not take Holy Communion at the papal mass , he had earlier celebrated the eucharist at the Anglican church in Rome after three demonstrators rose from the congregation as he ascended the pulpit ; the visit has been dogged by protests from supporters of the Rev Ian Paisley .
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