Example sentences of "[noun sg] could [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dropping hints that an initial public offering could be on the cards , the company pointed to figures showing that the majority of software start-ups make for an IPO at between $10m and $20m of venture funding : Neuron Data is capitalised at $16m .
2 Before the justices on that occasion the local authority had proposed that further attempts be made to improve the ability of the mother to care adequately for the children so that their future could be with her .
3 Theoretically , any gypsy using the land in future could be in breach of the order and face imprisonment .
4 and the response to such a command could be to hand up some dictionary definition of a bar as a drinking place .
5 But science was a better way to approach this Mystery than any dogmatic religion could be in the nineteenth century : ‘ We claim , and we shall wrest from theology , the entire domain of cosmological theory . ’
6 9.12 Licences etc under hand Whilst the Landlord is a limited company or other corporation all licences consents approvals and notices required to be given by the Landlord shall be sufficiently given if given under the hand of a director the secretary or other duly authorised officer of the Landlord [ or the Surveyor on behalf of the Landlord ] Without this provision , the effectiveness of licences and consents granted by the landlord during the term and not under seal could be in doubt .
7 To show how adult even a major Fox movie could be in the late sixties , the credit sequence has the two lovebirds in bed together , cutely sleeping side by side and back to back .
8 Alternatively , the industry could be in the hands of a private firm which would have its prices regulated by the state in such a way as to earn what approximates to a normal rate of return on capital employed .
9 Again the only break could be in the west , but at least it will be a dry night in most areas .
10 In these conditions , too , the mount required either to give a force mobility or to approach a battlefield could be of inferior breed , and consequently cheaper , than a cavalry horse capable of carrying a fully armoured knight , in addition to its own armour .
11 The standard price of village cattle ranged from ten to twenty rupees a head , but those in poor condition could be worth as little as five rupees and bulls from India as much as eighty rupees .
12 Your neck could be on the chop if you were to say what you felt about this and I 'm awfully sorry .
13 Although the above description of experimental findings would suggest that exposure of collagen and lipid peroxides due to rupture of the atheromatous plaque could be of importance in thrombogenesis , together with enhanced platelet thromboxane A 2 formation and diminished vessel wall prostacyclin formation , Born has questioned this series of events ( Born , 1983 ) .
14 John Stuart Mill had claimed ( Rogers 1964 : 238 ) that pleasure could be of a carnal nature or of a ‘ higher ’ kind .
15 Goram , like the rest of the Ibrox playing staff , understands that his club could be on the verge of something exceptional in their history , and wants to be able to remember everything .
16 I believe that the Youth Training Programme could be amongst the best .
17 MORE than £100 million of European aid could be on its way to the Highlands and Islands following a European Commission recommendation yesterday that the region should get top priority in EC regional spending plans .
18 As the election approached in the spring of 1761 , and it became certain that there would be a close contest in Perthshire , even a single vote could be of material importance , and Drummond was well aware of the strength of his own position .
19 Harriet drove her to the local hospital as soon as the pains started in mid-afternoon and , knowing how hazardous the road back in the dark could be at this time of the year , brought an overnight bag so that she could stay at a nearby hotel .
20 By the time a Newent ambulanceman gets up , gets down to the garage , unlocks , etc , another ambulance could be on the scene .
21 A marble and a stalls back seat could be worth several minutes of noisy bagatelle .
22 as if a homicidal maniac on cocaine could be of any help …
23 The decision in Kirkham leaves open the possibility that a suicide in their right mind could be ex turpi causa .
24 Ralph Downes , who helped with the instrument 's design , made some Pye Nixa recordings on it in the earliest days of stereo ( 1958 ) to show just how effective this spatial effect could be in the music of Bach .
25 Virgin last night refused to comment , but estimates are that the deal could be worth well in excess of £50m , making it one of the largest investments by a Japanese organisation in a UK company .
26 Chairman Sir John Hall made that pledge yesterday and the deal could be worth £1 million to Keegan .
27 The deal could be worth up to $15m .
28 ‘ Laser welding could be of major benefit , ’ said Dr Watson .
29 Unemployment in the eastern districts was 11.1 per cent by April and looks set to go on rising until the end of the year ; by that time , a fifth or more of the labour force could be without jobs .
30 SCORES of World War Two veterans in the North-East could be in line for a special thank you medal from the Russians .
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