Example sentences of "[noun sg] into a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One exception , imaginatively titled ‘ Gulf War : The Board Game ’ , comes from a Malaysian company that discovered it could change an America v Russia contest into a Gulf version without rewriting any of the rules .
2 She needs only to run close to the form which saw her finish second to multiple scorer Kassab over course and distance last month to turn this contest into a procession .
3 There are a few statutory exceptions contained within the Act , the most notable being that the Insurer will not be liable for the ‘ wilful misconduct ’ of the Policyholder i.e. the Policyholder deliberately ramming his vessel at speed into a harbour wall .
4 We often said they loaded the gun in the afternoon and took a long lanyard into a dugout some distance away and fired their gun once and never emerged to reload .
5 We followed the tweed skirt into a kitchen where its owner motioned us to sit , in the manner of someone training a dog .
6 ‘ Right enough , then ’ — and a ferocious crack of the whip electrified the horse into a gallop .
7 He half turned , dropped his hand and kicked his horse into a gallop .
8 He reined about and spurred his horse into a gallop .
9 A mis-used gadget will only make problems worse by forcing a horse into a shape before he is physically strong enough .
10 He kicked his horse into a trot and the hooves kicked up sparks from the cobbles .
11 Denis jumped back into the cart , and Boxer immediately urged the horse into a trot .
12 It 's like that Roman Emperor who made his horse into a consul .
13 Whichever may be the true explanation , it is certainly known that on her way across the wilderness north of Hermitage the queen was thrown by her horse into a peat bog , marked on modern maps as the Queen 's Mire .
14 If the rider drives the horse into a fence in such a way that he alters rhythm and balance , the horse will be forced onto his forehand and not given chance to jump off his hocks .
15 He spurred the horse into a canter .
16 Benjamin just smiled , raised her white fingers to his lips , kissed them daintily and , like some chivalrous knight , kicked his horse into a canter , almost knocking his would-be-love to the ground .
17 He urged his horse into a walk , toward them , all the more ominous for its slowness .
18 Tom O'Neill came through the revolving doors on a blast of icy air and stepped out on the other side into a blanket of almost oppressive warmth .
19 Children may discover that the covering of sand in the tray can be pushed to one side into a mound , yet will still push back to cover the tray .
20 His targets went beyond the Republicans to include " entrenched Democratic politicians " , whom he accused of turning " our party from a voice of opposition into a party of complicity " .
21 For Bakhtin , parody and stylization objectify their target by introducing ‘ a new semantic intention into a discourse which already has , and which retains , an intention of its own ’ ( 1984:189 ) .
22 But the fire in them burnt like a bud of blue flame , swelling , growing , until they felt it would flame into a shower of stars , reaching into the velvet darkness , the little frail wobbly lights of their bikes signalling to the lights of the travelling plane , their mounts leaping up over humps , over rises in the road , up and away into the intoxicating night .
23 Towards the end of the last century a Chicago physician , Dr Alice Stockham , advocated the practice of coitus reservatus in which a man inserts his erect penis into a partner 's vagina but restrains from ejaculating .
24 Water splashes from a faucet into a jerrican , and when it fills the boy sluggishly replaces it from a line of empty ones .
25 I came away with the feeling that work such as Hodgson 's , which begins to transform the rough material of personal experience and emotion into a universal , achieves an enduring self-sufficiency which work that is essentially referential can not .
26 The emotional help that we can give is often about unravelling this complex package of emotion into a process that can be gently reviewed and understood by the person feeling it all .
27 Jackson 's has bought the rights , and Jackson 's could make a Coptic dictionary into a best-seller if they tried .
28 A premature cut in interest rates would risk sending the pound into a dive which could spark inflation in Britain , he said .
29 Democratising pension funds , putting workers on the boards of companies , sponsoring the international worker networking described by Gary Herman in last week 's issue ( ‘ Hooked on IT ’ ) , and making foreign-language training obligatory for company executives ( as well as MPs , especially left Labour MPs ) would do more to make the economy socially progressive and productionist than any campaign to turn the pound into a peseta .
30 An edge of barely concealed displeasure to his tone , he answered , ‘ Turn our romantic little episode into a farce . ’
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