Example sentences of "[noun sg] when she get " in BNC.

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1 BABY-SITTER Joyce Cotton had to call the fire brigade when she got stuck in her own front room after putting her twin grandchildren to bed upstairs .
2 In fact , she will have to carve her own niche when she gets there and discover where she can be most useful at Dalek Hospital , where the unit is based , without treading on anyone else 's toes .
3 Anne is abroad at the moment , doing some research , but she left a message with someone that I 'm to give her a ring when she gets back .
4 When the celebrations were at a height the lady who had been rescued said she would present a piece of silver when she got back to England to the squadron and what would they like .
5 She 'd give Gloria a piece of her mind when she got home !
6 Cook had been moved by Sarah 's grief when she got back from her father 's funeral , and when she heard how Maggie had given birth on the very same day she had taken pity .
7 the appalling pictures of the er er , the scene when she gets raped on telly ! fucking frightening she is !
8 Mary was the only one of them , as far as he knew , who had ever walked to the village and walked about in the village when she got there .
9 She 's got him booked in again at Cocaine Hall when she gets him back . ’
10 The office was seething like a beehive when she got in .
11 It is n't just bad behaviour that makes us wish the ground would open under us : there are times when you 'd gladly disown your child when she gets to the top of the slide , freezes there and screams hysterically to be carried down .
12 He 'd buy a house for Penny 's mum , a big , big house and then they 'd sell it again and he left every bit of the money to Dionne , so she 'll be able to look after the child when she gets twenty-one and that , but now
13 But she ca n't say more because her three-year-old son is in Moscow and she needs a job when she gets back there .
14 Well get a job when she gets over there , yeah .
15 Diana had always promised her schoolfriend , Carolyn Bartholomew , a room when she got her own apartment .
16 There would be time enough to examine this latest development when she got back .
17 RADIO Two DJ Gloria Hunniford says she 's planning to have a facelift when she gets older .
18 As Fabia saw it then , if she did n't want her sister to heap coals of fire on her head when she got back — and Cara had more than enough on her plate at the moment — then she was going to have to be really pushy and go and ring Ven Gajdusek 's doorbell .
19 Firstly , a Hindu girl must be a virgin when she gets married .
20 At the end of the ceremony she tottered off to the bus , looking as if she had every intention of popping in to the local when she got home and livening everyone up with a steady dropping of ‘ To think our ‘ Ilda should go before me ’ remarks .
21 If she went on like this then she was going to have trouble when she got back to London .
22 When Rose suggested that they write to Luke to ask him to meet Maggie off the train when she got to London Moran was furious .
23 But she needs a good bath when she gets home — because of the smell !
24 The family had finished their supper when she got home , but her temper was soothed by her reception : Herr Nordern coming from the bedroom to greet her , Omi fussing , Erika getting her meal , even Paul helping her off with her coat , although he rather spoiled his effect by then chucking it over the back of a chair instead of hanging it up .
25 After all , ’ she said with mockery in her voice , ‘ you did say you 'd give Una her dowry when she got married . ’
26 Aide says , ‘ She met you in Aspen and you told her to give you a call when she got back into town . ’
27 The bike was in his space when she got to work at eight .
28 He even made a pot of tea and poured her a cup when she got up for work .
29 I mean I do n't know whether she thought she could put them in the garden when she got to the new place and they 'd grow but
30 I 'm glad you ca n't see the skin , cos it 's probably all shiny like Flora 's hand when she got all her fingers burnt off .
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