Example sentences of "[noun sg] said that there " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend the Member for Wolverhampton , South-West said that there were three guillotines between 1945 and 1951 and 13 in 1988 .
2 The Saturday Review said that there were only four entries that it deemed to be good enough to be designated Gothic , but Clarke 's catalogue listed a further fourteen Gothic schemes .
3 But the Labour Co-ordinating Committee said that there was clear evidence of a cultural change .
4 Originally , the Government and British Rail management said that there was no need for a dedicated rail route from the channel ports , and that we could manage with the existing railway infrastructure .
5 Observers from the US National Democratic Institute said that there had been " serious problems " , that voter registration was incomplete , that registers had not been open for inspection , and that Biya had been allocated 142 minutes of coverage on the state-owned television service between Oct. 7 and polling day , while the six opposition candidates shared only 12 minutes .
6 The judge said that there was insufficient evidence to convict König on the charge of participating in the murders of 1,076 others .
7 For example , on high policy common opinion said that there was nothing for it but to stay in the ERM .
8 The Duke said that there were two possible courses — to increase the endowment and/or to increase the annual subscription .
9 There was no evidence that the defendants were aware of the existence of those whom their conduct offended , although the court said that there was evidence from which the magistrates were entitled to infer that the appellants ‘ must have known that other people would be likely to be present . ’
10 The court said that there was no general rule that a valuation made on an " erroneous principle " ( which presumably means the same as a mistaken decision ) had to stand unless it were also shown that a valuation on the right principle would produce a materially different figure from the figure of the erroneous valuation : if there were such a rule , it would place on the objector the extra burden of making a fresh valuation which in its turn might also be rejected .
11 The hon. Gentleman said that there was not enough consumer representation .
12 A Department of Energy spokesman last night said that there were ‘ no plans to restructure the offer ’ .
13 They the petition said that there is no difference between rape and date rape .
14 Add to this our initial difficulty in knowing what to recommend , when the very same paper said that there was no such folic acid supplement to give .
15 Although the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees put the number of Liberian refugees at 80,000 , the government said that there were at least 200,000 [ see also pp. 37174 ; 37644 ] .
16 The trades union confederations demanded a forum for dialogue on the issue with the government , whereas the government said that there had already been consultations and that it could not " be expected to cease adopting decisions on crucial and pressing problems because of artificially created procedural obstacles " .
17 On this point THE HOME SECRETARY said that there was no reliable evidence that the abolition of the death penalty in foreign countries had been followed by a significant increase in the number of murders .
18 When asked about a timeframe for these auctions , the spokesman said that there was ‘ no hurry ’ but that he expected the aircraft to have gone to its new home by Christmas .
19 An Agriculture Ministry spokesman said that there would be no change in policy .
20 But a spokesman said that there was no intention to mislead customers .
21 A BP spokesman said that there had been a minor leak in the gas lift module which had been isolated .
22 The headmaster said that there had been no problems until the introduction of television .
23 The official ATA news agency said that there was no evidence of deception or abuse .
24 A joint statement said that there had been no " comprehensive accommodation in relation to the deep-seated and longstanding problems " .
25 This report said that there should be no pay-TV programmes .
26 A representative of the licencing board said that there 's widespread support in Glasgow for the proposal .
27 Mr. McAllion : The Minister said that there will be only one form of financial assistance per company , in the form of the £48,750 to help people to put together a bid in the first place .
28 The Minister said that there were four options , but did not tell us which one the Government had decided to implement .
29 Ninety per cent of respondents to the 1989 RSC survey said that there were no childcare facilities at their place of work .
30 When the imagined objector said that there was no reason to pay the money now due as tax before the tax law was passed he was of course right .
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