Example sentences of "[noun sg] up [adv] and " in BNC.

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1 lets turn the speed up now and head for Silverstone which this weekend staged the biggest kart meeting of the year … four hundred drivers … the best in the world were there … along with our man Mark Kiff
2 Er or shall I leave her a piece up there and give her her tea cos she knows it 's ready ?
3 I 've had them stretched once , I wants them stretched again cos I 've got a beautiful ring up there and I never puts them on .
4 He pulled the window up quickly and it was too dark for her to see him step back towards the house .
5 Why do n't they have a drummer up there and a bass player instead of programming everything ? ’
6 The timber opened as they breasted a ridge and Trent glimpsed a steeply-sloping meadow up ahead and a patch of white .
7 They used to be fed in the pen up there and they would n't be killed till Mondays .
8 The band was down below and then a loft , a long wooden just like a dance hall up above and they just did that and they just they had tables set and then they removed them for the dances .
9 Shoving it in , shoving it into first , bring the clutch up quickly and the car goes weer and virtually stops
10 He took his plastic tumbler up again and sipped at the wine , watching Sara over the lip of the tumbler .
11 I put two pounds in the machine up there and I got fifteen pounds , I got the three bars , er , not the three , two bars and some nudges and I nudged it
12 He left his flock up there and stayed here all night .
13 She would lift a corner of curtain up now and again , imagine she had a blaster with sights attachment , and use her would be playmates for target practice as they leapfrogged and hopscotched around the courtyard below .
14 And as I say , I was able to get in touch with me brother and fix this little shop up there and er no I 've said that I 've er , I 've er
15 Got this fantastic kitchen up here and he 's still got
16 It 's just a pity we do n't live in the era when a man could set his mistress up somewhere and know she 'd be there waiting for him whenever he felt the urge to see her , but was never , ever seen with her in public . ’
17 But Miss used to take me out into here , to the teachers cloak room and and er er plait my hair up again and s say to me , I 'll take it out before you go away Isa , because there was It was n't a clean place in Kirkwall .
18 ‘ He 'll have like a styrofoam burger-box and he 'll cut a hole and put like his balls and his dick up there and then he goes — ‘ Oh !
19 He wisely asked for the downward transition after a circuit and the mare came down to trot , threw her head up briefly and then rounded again .
20 I 'll phone the Brigadier up there and tell him to send a man to relieve you . ’
21 Remember when Dad found that puffball up there and Mum did it with bacon — ? ’
22 But it was United 's new striker Alex Dyer who starred next … he holds the ball up well and what a pass for Allen to chase … some finish to by the young winger … on his day he 's a matchwinner …
23 But it was United 's new striker Alex Dyer who starred next … he holds the ball up well and what a pass for Allen to chase … some finish to by the young winger … on his day he 's a matchwinner …
24 Because you get , all you do is , is press that button up there and let it go and you can talk .
25 We have asked questions about clearing the grass up afterwards and we 're told that would probably be two or three times the amount in the contract and in the actual , at the end of the day you get what you 're paid for , you get what you pay for , and if you do n't provide the resources or you ca n't provide the resources , I should say , then obviously you 've got ta make do with second best .
26 A mass of mail when I got back here — replies saying NO for example for the part time post of editor of the Episcopal Church paper up here and a NO from a firm opening up a new range of discount grocery stores .
27 right velocity up there and T along here .
28 that 's what I 'd guessed , erm , so I said no , I said they 're fine , so she said oh I 'm ever so sorry I said do n't be I said these sort of things get around , I mean it 's , she kept go and then I went on to describe how I virtually done not too a dissimilar thing going up the road trying to talk to people about writing in to object , you know with this planning application and erm , I said I sort of knock on someone 's door up there and I thought it was the next door that the husband had died and it was that one
29 Now he pretended to be waving his cape at the bull and executed a neat veronica , then she kicked her leg up backwards and touched her heel with her fingers while he looked scornfully on with one hand behind his back palm facing outwards .
30 A uniformed policeman had stepped out from the kerb up ahead and was waving them into a side road .
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