Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [be] at " in BNC.

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1 There are people in the scene who are at least trying to create a little awareness amongst others .
2 The story centres on Giorgio , a successful eye-surgeon working in Paris and his alter egos : his much younger brother Piero , who is caught up in the obscure ‘ manoeuvres ’ going on in Sicily ( it will turn out that he has sabotaged an American helicopter and is on the run ) , and Charles , a 12-year-old boy who is at the centre of the whole story .
3 Oh and that , that little boy who was at school , Nicholas , he went there did n't he ?
4 Therese said Miss Grimsilk was a very nice lady who is at present a trifle unhappy .
5 It 's her small child who is at stake .
6 ‘ Look , ’ he said , ‘ I thought — any man would have thought — that if I did n't look for knowledge , good family , and wealth in a wife , if I sacrificed all that , I would be sure of finding a country girl who was at least pure … but … but I should not accuse you . ’
7 If you are caring for an elderly parent who is at some stage of grieving for a lost partner , whether she is experiencing the shattering despair that follows soon after bereavement , or the long sad loneliness and feeling of deprivation characteristic of its later stages , her deepest need will be for your practical and emotional support during her period of sorrow and adjustment .
8 She was the daughter of a scientist who was at one time Deputy Master of the Mint .
9 So general is this norm that the value of not being ‘ prejudiced ’ is even shared by the fascist writer who is at pains to deny his own prejudice but to pin the label upon liberal opponents .
10 As a result there is now a large group who are at a similar stage of HIV infection at any one time .
11 But then I was reminded how I thought of a an accountant who was at work what figure was five and five and he said what figures did you have in mind .
12 He 's the young lad who was at S T D he 's now working for himself
13 University protocol means it 's not possible for a degree to be collected by proxy , but the attention her nomination brings to her cause is welcomed by her husband who was at the ceremony .
14 Marcus again smiled what Ludens saw as a mysterious complicit smile , as if Ludens were a talented tempter who was at the same time a fellow initiate .
15 But in fact it was the docking crew as a whole who were at fault , because the platform 's progress towards the support cradle should have been halted as soon as it passed completely through the field , so that earthing and other safety procedures could be instigated .
16 More likely it was the knowledge that , for all Dysart 's manifest charm and proven ability , he had a wife who was at best an adulteress , at worst a traitor ; either Minter 's dupe or his co-conspirator .
17 The Report began by identifying some 130,000 part-time teachers in further and adult education who were at that time employed by local authorities and although nobody knows how many are employed over the country as a whole at present , even after the severe reductions of recent years they are likely to number more than 100,000 .
18 When people apologized to her for breaking a glass or making a remark which , upon sober reflection , they found themselves regretting she would smile the vague smile of the hostess who is at once too preoccupied and too superior to notice the faux pas of those around her .
19 The organiser of a Kurdish refugee charity who 's at the centre of a fraud squad investigation is reported to be carrying out relief work in Turkey .
20 1.1 " the Landlord " includes the successors in title of the Landlord to the Site and any other person who is at any time entitled to the reversion immediately expectant on the term agreed to be granted by this agreement
21 And them erm when everybody 's been caught by the person who 's at the person sat saying things like hot bananas hot milk and then when they say hot chocolate the you 've got to run back .
22 The fact that nobody wrote and said that he was brilliant and was a genius convinced him that it was n't Robert Bolt who was at fault or the director Noel Willman , but himself as an actor .
23 But she still stresses the necessity of an expert test — and the board 's concern that the information has not yet got through to all the householders in the area who are at risk .
24 The idea was that light waves traveled at a speed of 186,000 miles a second through the ether , which meant that an observer who was at rest relative to the ether would measure the speed of light to be about 186,000 miles a second , but an observer who was moving through the ether would measure a higher or lower speed .
25 erm Professor Lacey , a colleague who is at the moment erm the research advisor of the Schools Council , has a project based here which is looking at the impact erm of these Schools Councils projects over the years , which ones have made an impact , which have fallen away , why some have succeeded , why others have fallen off .
26 But erm I know a student who was at B H S , near she was saying how she 'd had training for er delivering team briefings .
27 There were the agronomist nephew and his wife who was already a schoolmarm , two younger brothers , one having finished his philo , the other his service militaire , a niece who was at the Sorbonne and her fiancé reading economics at the university of Rennes .
28 In Funny Business it 's a clown who 's at the centre of the fun .
29 And Hopkins grins like a man who is at last easy in his skin .
30 Scudamore 's friend and partner Nigel Twiston Davies … he does n't like cameras … does n't do interviews … a man of mystery … but a man who 's at one with his world …
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