Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [art] most " in BNC.

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1 The Nature Conservancy Council ( NCC ) has warned that leisure parks and industry are rapidly replacing agriculture as the most serious threat to UK Sites of Special Scientific Interest .
2 Emphasis as between local language and English teaching varies according to national patterns and policies , but a survey would most probably reveal the English text as the most commonly possessed book in most schools .
3 But it was the period between 1986 and 1989 that put Andy and Nick at the fore as the most formidable team in Europe , and probably worldwide , in recent years .
4 Getting off to a great start with this major sale in the area gives ESP a strategic advantage as the most innovative products and service company in the submersible pump industry .
5 species-poor sub-community , with Nardus as the most abundant plant , with frequent Deschampsia cespitosa and Festuca ovina .
6 But , despite Einhard 's assertion that he loved barbarian poems , he would surely have been disconcerted by the evolution of the Poitevin court under William IX as a centre of troubadour poetry , its prince as the most distinguished poet of all .
7 Five out of six opinion polls yesterday showed Labour in the lead , pointing to a hung Parliament as the most likely outcome .
8 The under-16 team recently picked up an award as the most sporting girls ' rugby team and have completed a very successful season ; eight girls have been selected for the Lancashire under-18 team and three for the under-13 team .
9 Even then it tends to be restricted to middlebrow fiction and nonfiction ( nowadays , especially in North America , periodicals have replaced literature as the most favoured source , but even these tend to be rather upmarket ‘ general interest ’ magazines — not comic books , or photoromances , or political pamphlets , or the scripts of TV soap operas ) .
10 Revulsion as the most basic of the instincts .
11 It took me some years after reading economics at Cambridge to form the view that there was no substitute in a free society for the market-place as the most efficient means for encouraging production and for ensuring its distribution .
12 These efforts paid off when J.D. Power and Associates , an influential market-research firm ( see box ) , ranked the Buick LeSabre as the most trouble-free of all cars made in America .
13 It is a common perception that during the 1950s biology replaced physics as the most exciting domain of science .
14 Do n't make the mistake of thinking of your machine 's case as the most important part of the machine just because it is the bit that you see most of !
15 I regard the form of political action as the most important connection between the state and civil society , and locate political engagement and organization as a component of civil society rather than the state .
16 Indeed with involuntary memory as the creative principle , one might almost dare to say that the opposition between poetry and the analytical is removed , because perhaps one of Proust 's greatest achievements as a novelist is the way in which he reveals poetry and imaginative perception as the most appropriate and authentic means by which our human experience can be both understood and recreated for ourselves and for others .
17 Arthur Acland , the then president of the Association , had already stated in his address to this meeting that in the promotion of " effective use of the English language " , one of the best means was " to foster a love of English literature " Thus , English literature was seen by members of the Association as the most effective vehicle for establishing through elementary education acceptable standards of linguistic usage .
18 All three methods have been widely used , with two 's complement as the most common on current computers ; we use this convention for the rest of the section , unless stated otherwise .
19 Both men and women rated the standard seat as the most uncomfortable .
20 It is important to note in particular that although much is said and written about directives ( as indeed will be the case later in this article ) , they are much less numerous than regulations , which appear in effect as the most frequently used Community legislative instrument .
21 The draft on revelation ( and a companion , ‘ On preserving the deposit of faith in its purity ’ , also rejected ) were prepared mainly by theologians of this tendency , who had been brought up to think of modernism as the most fundamental , comprehensive and insidious of all heresies .
22 The draft budget for 1993 , presented to the Cortes on Sept. 29 and described by Economy and Finance Minister Carlos Solchaga Catalán as the most restrictive budget in 20 years , allowed for a central government spending increase of only 3.7 per cent in real terms ( 2.1 per cent of this allocated to debt servicing ) , with the budget deficit due to fall from 2.6 to 2.3 per cent of GDP ( Pta1,421,100 million — approximately US$13,930 million ) .
23 According to sources in Washington , officials in the Department of Commerce decided at the end of last year to recommend this strategy to the president as the most effective way of relinquishing responsibility for the US 's Landsat system .
24 Forty suggests that the attraction of the neo-classical , which emerged from a somewhat wider range as the most successful of Wedgewood 's styles , was that it provided an acceptable facade for the introduction of the advances being made by ceramic science , the most modern techniques thereby being employed in the improvement of reproductions , a tension in commercial styling which has been strongly asserted ever since .
25 ‘ to proceed beyond the stop line of a ‘ Pelican ’ crossing when the vehicular traffic signal was showing a red light' As the most common defence to this type of offence is that the lights were still at green it is desirable to prove this point convincingly .
26 Of far greater importance is the argument in favour of child benefit as the most efficient way ( so far ) devised to maintain male work incentives .
27 It has increasingly displaced common law as the most extensive form of law in Britain and it is the most definitive of the four .
28 The Handsworth/Soho/Lozells area , with a population of 56,300 , is regarded by Birmingham City Council as the most deprived district in the city .
29 Cisco and SynOptics see network management as the most efficient way to produce this integration .
30 Those who advocate caution in allowing a rapid decline in interest rates , and in consequence a further devaluation of the pound , can point to the period of sterling 's membership of the ERM as the most effective discipline the UK has experienced — an incentive to force down both inflation and interest rates .
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