Example sentences of "[noun sg] can do the " in BNC.

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1 A marriage can do the same , provided the couple are prepared to talk things through and really want to make a go of it .
2 In other words you the teacher can do the teaching , using the video programme in whatever way you choose .
3 Some messenger services or mail bike companies will do runs based on a supplied mailing list at so much per address and such a service might be used for rushing material to the offices of national daily newspapers Failing such a service an executive or senior secretary in a cab can do the job equally well .
4 As to honest Partridge , he meant no wrong , for he is so bold a mountaineer , he can go anywhere that a sheep can ; and I dare say thinks every person can do the same . ’
5 If the house already has a suspended floor , a good do-it-yourself person can do the job . ’
6 Erm one of those er that I 've got two er , points to make , one is to , to , there 's a recording somewhere going on er er it 's erm not anything really to do with er us , but we have agreed or someone 's agreed on our behalf but er the person can do the recordings but it 's er of an educational nature to er help students with their language , but er we shall be completely anonymous so if
7 If we were to backtrack in the area of supporting composers , commissioning new work and putting it on as public a stage as possible , that would be close to admitting : ‘ Look , a classical commercial station can do the job just as well .
8 Most constructions projects require some subcontractor involvement either because of the specialized nature of part of the work which the main contractor is unable to carry out or because the subcontractor can do the job at lower cost than the main contractor .
9 That 's only live stuff , really live , the night crew can do the rest , just about .
10 The British Government can not order people to label inhumanely produced veal , but consumers can demand it , supermarkets can provide the labelling and the restaurant trade can do the same if it is so minded .
11 The African is as strong as a ploughox , each man can do the work in this clime of two or three of men like us .
12 A camera can do the trick , letting you catch your breath before your lungs explode through your chest like The Alien , as you pretend to take a photo of an interesting stone .
13 The easiest way to introduce technical progress is to assume that factors become more effective over time , e.g. , that one worker can do the work that two did a decade ago .
14 Although the company used FlashPort to create a native version of ToolBox for PowerPC , Apple 's David Payne , engineering project leader for PowerOpen on Macintosh systems , says it will use internal emulation technology to bring current Mac applications over to PowerPC , although he concedes the Echo software can do the job too .
15 In any case , why does one need traditional grammar to analyse such literary language of the past , if a modern framework can do the job better ?
16 Why think if the computer can do the thinking for you ?
17 ( c ) Anything the market can do the government can do better .
18 ‘ My guess is there 's a lot of skepticism on whether this guy can do the job . ’
19 Solitude adds a special quality to a walk and bad weather can do the same — though it does mean that many of us prefer to stay in the lowlands more often .
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