Example sentences of "[noun sg] can also be " in BNC.

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1 The dominant religion can also be mediated through law .
2 The appeal of liturgical monastic religion can also be seen from the fact that when Ethelwold in the 960s expelled the married clergy from the church of Winchester in favour of celibate monks , three of the former clergy , Eadsige , Wulfige , and Wilstan , returned as celibates to the new communal life .
3 Variations of load and friction torques with speed can also be taken into account .
4 Establishing free movement of capital and labour can also be shown to lead to net welfare gains .
5 Thus the total number of transactions T in the economy can be taken to be fixed if full employment is the norm , or alternatively the assumption that the quantity of money has no permanent effect on the real sector of the economy implies that T is independent of M. Consequently there should be a definite relationship between the quantity of money and the price level if the velocity of circulation can also be shown to be independent of M.
6 Porcelain can also be TL tested , but it is such a hard ceramic that a drill can not be used to take the sample because of the heat generated and the spurious luminescence signals produced .
7 The choice of subsection can also be important where odours arise from a works registered under The Alkali , etc. , Works Regulation Act 1906 as amended .
8 Violence can also be verbal and emotional and , some would argue , is intrinsic to the wider power and economic structures of society and world economics .
9 Pissaladière can also be baked in a 25cm/10in–28cm/11in round flan tin .
10 Reasoning can also be used with summarising .
11 Switch can also be used in selected outlets of :
12 This switch can also be used to stop the blower motor in an emergency .
13 But the switch can also be motivated by changes of mood .
14 Slip stitch can also be used to knit three and four colours into the same row of knitting .
15 Secondly , the line between officers dismissable for cause and those dismissable at pleasure can also be hard to draw .
16 The role of poor relief , the Settlement law , pauper apprenticeship and other aspects of vestry administration upon the growth of industry can also be assessed .
17 The final result can also be carried back into whatever program you were running before you used the calculator and is printed at the current cursor position .
18 The same result can also be achieved by excluding the circumstances which give rise to an implied term .
19 Drawing can also be a way to communicate .
20 The degree of BMus can also be taken in Musical Technology .
21 If the lavatory is too low for an elderly person , a raised polypropylene toilet seat which fits over it , but is easy to remove and to wash , can be very useful , and a chromium-plated hand-grip fixed very securely to the wall at the side of the lavatory can also be helpful .
22 The tape can also be draped on the branches of apple trees , or among bush fruit such as raspberry canes .
23 Lost or deliberately discarded fishing nets pose the biggest threat , but seemingly more innocent items like plastic bags , plastic pellets , and polypropylene packing tape can also be killers of wildlife .
24 Bounty can also be of a derivative nature .
25 Plant in spring and take tip cuttings in summer , to root under cover ; sage can also be layered in spring .
26 The principle that larger cylinders will withstand more wear can also be applied to discs .
27 It is not only that severe hypoglycaemic attacks cause distress for diabetics and their families — this distress can also be socially devastating .
28 If the pattern of rings from a piece of undated timber is matched against a dated pattern , the piece can also be dated .
29 Further detailed guidance can also be obtained from CFSU London .
30 This equation can also be expressed as where c is the concentration .
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