Example sentences of "[noun sg] would [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 It will be a very long time before the actual causes of war are entirely removed , if ever , but a truly human religion would change the historic misuse of long established religions , and serve as a counter to war , not provide justification for it .
2 But that action would change the odds .
3 It would be relatively easy to download catalogue records from a broadband system like JANET , but such an action would negate the possibility of our institutions receiving income from the transactions .
4 If the action would reinforce the common law action it may be allowed .
5 But such a course of action would involve the problem of alternative safe places for the proceeds of sale .
6 The second problem is that legal action and the threat of legal action would put the Library Associational in almost constant conflict with one or other authority .
7 The Association would regard the professional responsibilities of the librarian to include full discretion over the acquisitions made by the library service within the terms of the general guidelines laid down by an employer : in the case of public libraries these guidelines should not be expected to allow local censorship .
8 Adoption of this route , however , did not necessarily mean that the association would defy the police in order to march on it .
9 Rejection of the latest offer by the association would rob the Government of the legimitacy to be gained from imposing an agreed deal on the other five unions .
10 If so , latent inhibition training that establishes a CS-no event association would retard the course of conditioning .
11 And we go way back — way , way back , back to the time when you could still buy mono records , when kiwi fruit were yet to be devised , when the khaki-clad representative of the Automobile Association would salute the passing motorist , when a packet of Gold Flake cost a groat and a half and you still had change for a flagon of mead .
12 He acknowledged they were at odds with the Government over the agreement , but said the North Down association would support the party manifesto .
13 EVERTON keeper Neville Southall predicted his side would end the season challenging for Europe , even after their seventh defeat in nine games plunged them into relegation trouble .
14 Coleman 's view was that a sound basis of training in diseases of the horse would enable the veterinarian to acquire equal skill in the diseases of other species .
15 If a wild and untouched horse was stabled with a domestic one that vocally demanded food , the wild horse would learn the domesticated horse 's vocabulary in a very short time and be whinnying for its breakfast too .
16 In the Army , where a horse would dominate the situation , a little force was sometimes necessary and a stiff-bristled broom under the tail produced results both when leading into horse-boxes AND into water .
17 As it had in 1945 , 1964 and 1974 , Labour would inherit the mess the Tories had left behind , he said , but , this time , with an historic mission to clean it up for good .
18 Conferences are about promises , and shadow Home Secretary Tony Blair said Labour would reverse the Government 's ban on union rights at GCHQ .
19 A party official later served warning that Labour would reverse the decision to create a new tax band .
20 Launching a document called Green Power , energy spokesman Kevin Barron , said that Labour would change the existing levy on fossil fuels used for other energy sources ( primarily nuclear power ) into a clean energy levy .
21 Mr Milburn said Labour would stop the anomaly of taxing disability pensions by abolishing the poll tax .
22 Hugh Bayley , York 's Labour candidate hoping to overturn Conservative Conal Gregory 's slim 147 majority , said Labour would order the trains needed by BR and invest in a punctual , clean , public service railway .
23 of people in that wider community told a Harris poll that they believed that Labour would raise the basic rate of tax , 57 per cent .
24 Yes , it is clear that , as my hon. Friend says , Labour would cut the defence budget to ribbons .
25 Prior to 1910 it was by no means clear either that Labour would replace the Liberals or that it would move So far ahead of these rivals as to reduce them to marginal sects .
26 He served notice that Labour would oppose the Budget in its entirety .
27 LABOUR would provide the action needed to unlock the country 's talents , John Smith promised .
28 Even if there was still a peace to be saved in 1940 , it seemed most unlikely that Labour would win the election .
29 Labour would put the economy into reverse .
30 Tom Jones found him more than merry , preparing his final speech for 21 January , when it was obvious that Labour would defeat the Government .
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