Example sentences of "[noun sg] would have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 With a range of 10,000 miles , the aircraft could have managed its mission although each sortie would have taken nearly thirty hours !
2 If the place had carried the distinct imprint of Carson 's personality the action would have fitted in easily , but the apartment was strangely arid in its elegance and she was sure that she would feel unsettled .
3 Parliament could not have intended paragraph ( b ) to produce new substantive rights in respect of registered land , enabling registered dispositions to be set aside and removed from the register in circumstances where , if the land had not been registered , no cause of action would have existed .
4 Pursuing legal action would have cost them money they did n't have ( unless it meant selling their house which was not an option ) but doing nothing left them with the feeling that justice was n't being done .
5 Had we emphasized not the choices made but the social rules followed by social actors , then a more collective account of social action would have emerged .
6 A suggested reason for this decision is that to grant an action would have subverted the common law negligence action which lay in these circumstances .
7 But the solicitor for the three cleared men says he doubts a civil action would have succeeded .
8 To translate this new legal status into political action would have required an organised support basis and this did not exist .
9 Had the plaintiff sued his brother then the action would have failed on the grounds of volenti .
10 Had the hernia been strangulated , action would have had to be taken at the first sign of trouble .
11 Had the plaintiff acted on his own , rather than in combination with his brother , no action would have lain .
12 A casual glance would have made it seem that her expression was stiff with anger .
13 One glance would have told her that he was close to a heart attack .
14 The Association would have changed the day if the Minister had consulted them , but he had banned it without enabling them to change their plans .
15 I do not think this association would have put Flaubert off .
16 Politeness and kindness would have constituted a refusal .
17 And that was only about a minute of the game gone and I dare say er Ian whose place he 's taking on that left-hand side would have relished that kind of opportunity .
18 Opinion polls suggested throughout the campaign that Labour would have stood a better chance with the Scottish lawyer at the helm , and he has powerful support on the backbenches , especially among fellow Scots .
19 But the seats that Common Wealth began to win were often seats which Labour would have stood little chance of winning even under the most favourable conditions .
20 Let us examine the implications of this ; property crime became by far the most common form of crime during the period in which the prison emerged ; therefore forced labour would have become the most common punishment ; forced labour requires incarceration ( people tend not to turn up for it of their own free will ) .
21 He never had the substance for a leader and Labour would have done much better with Denis Healey .
22 ‘ That opinion was largely based on the fact that in Robin Cook , Labour would have boasted a senior Cabinet minister with good understanding and enthusiasm for racing .
23 But even without that gift from the political gods , Labour would have ended its conference in confident composure .
24 Some thought Labour would have had its ideal leader , a courageous genius in party management , and with a streak of inspiration in philosophy , if it could have bred from the two of them .
25 If all the persistent readers of Tory tabloids had behaved like those who read Labour tabloids , Labour would have benefited from a 3 per cent swing ( compared to the actual election result ) .
26 My right hon. Friend said that Labour would have signed in full .
27 Labour would have backed his ambitious scheme to step up funding for European industry and would have been less rigid in opposing transfers of cash to the poorer regions .
28 My right hon. Friend the Leader of the Opposition would have liked to be here this evening because I know well that he has been a tremendous support to my hon. and learned Friend and his family in many small and touching ways , which I know have been deeply appreciated .
29 I am happy to welcome that investment , and I imagine that it owes much to the climate and environment that the Government have created and which might have been threatened by an alternative settlement at Maastricht such as the Opposition would have supported and implemented if they were ever elected .
30 The Leader of the Opposition would have signed the treaty without the debate at Maastricht — he would have accepted anything that M. Delors put in front of him .
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