Example sentences of "[noun sg] have on [art] " in BNC.

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1 And what effect would cutting down all these tree have on the environment ?
2 But they do need to learn to understand the effect which different styles of communication and presentation have on a congregation .
3 They basically posed the question that , if all other financial decisions were held constant , what effect would changing the dividend payout ratio have on the value of the firm 's equity ?
4 What effect will adherence to the European Exchange Rate Mechanism have on the cost of garden statuary ?
5 Now , both my son and I are currently non-musicians who are keen to learn , but we do n't know what effect the three knobs and the sliding lever have on the front of the instrument .
6 A bureau may try to orchestrate those demands by its links with the organizations representing the consumers of its services , thereby affecting the influence which the public have on the revealed preferences of the sponsor .
7 What impact do national culture and internal structure have on the problem ?
8 Parents find it extremely difficult to provide even the basic necessities for life today , and certainly when you begin to think of the sort of things that most children in this country have on a day-to-day basis — an ice cream , a trip to the swimming baths and so on — these families do n't er it 's a major crisis to provide for example sixty pence as entry to a swimming pool .
9 ‘ SNAG ’ , ON a weightier note , also shows the new angle Bleach have on the '90s guitar ‘ scene ’ .
10 What effect do changes in the amount of money have on the four macroeconomic objectives ?
11 Does the course lead to a certificate of completion or competence and if so , what value would such a certificate have on the job market ?
12 Can you give me some idea of the eff the effect that say a death would ha when your what effect did your brother 's death have on the family ?
13 What effects , is any , do rapid changes in technology have on the appropriateness of each of the alternative ways Or putting a cost or a value to an item .
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