Example sentences of "[noun sg] has [vb pp] all " in BNC.

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1 anyone claiming protection has met all its terms and conditions ; and
2 anyone claiming protection has met all its terms and conditions ; and
3 anyone claiming protection has met all its terms and conditions ; and
4 anyone claiming protection has met all its terms and conditions ; and
5 anyone claiming protection has fulfilled all its terms and conditions
6 anyone claiming protection has fulfilled all its terms and conditions
7 IBM Corp has shocked all Manhattan — or at any rate New York 's chattering classes — by announcing that it is to close the Gallery of Science & Art , an extremely popular gallery for visiting art exhibitions in the basement of its tower on Madison Avenue : it says it will try to find the seven employees of the gallery other jobs in the company , without holding out very much hope .
8 I am sure that British Rail has considered all the options and it may have asked the consultants to study alternatives .
9 He/she will check that the mare has passed all her afterbirth and she is not damaged as a result of foaling .
10 AT&T Co has bought all the Rolm Co telephone switches in Mexico , and will now maintain and do all expansion work on the Rolm equipment installed there , Reuter reports .
11 When the user has entered all the charge codes , the user should press TAB again to move onto the next field .
12 Recent Cleveland County Council free school meals figures show a rise in the Yarm and Eaglescliffe area ( 148 last year to 229 this year ) , proving that the recession has hit all pockets , claims Labour candidate John Scott .
13 Recent Cleveland County Council free school meals figures show a rise in the Yarm and Eaglescliffe area ( 148 last year to 229 this year ) , proving that the recession has hit all pockets , claims Labour candidate John Scott .
14 The recession has hit all industries and acting has been right in the thick of it .
15 But the recession has changed all that , says Good Housekeeping .
16 And while the recession has deterred all but a handful of non-Italian dealers from participating this year , the organisers are hoping that by aiming high in all senses , the event will rapidly establish itself as a rival to the Florence fair .
17 The boy who nursed his dying mum has devoted all his life to the destitute
18 I assume Mr Grigson , as he has n't raised his board has said all he wants to say at this stage on the points that have been made .
19 This case has become all things to all men .
20 1991 , 27 1148 ) , I at once came to appreciate why it is that chemistry has so largely lost its appeal to the young : it is because its teaching has lost all discipline , degrading the science from a pursuit of excellence to ‘ fiddling the results ’ .
21 The outer stood up to everything I could throw at it until a wicked Gogarth chimney thrutch resulted in a nicked sleeve , while the fleece has resisted all but a hot cylinder from the Snowdon Railway !
22 It is a cause for chagrin , not satisfaction , that Serafin has rejected all his advice .
23 He said : ‘ As far as I 'm concerned , the chairman has quashed all the speculation about me being under pressure . ’
24 SIR — The European Centre for the Epidemiological Monitoring of AIDS has urged all European countries to adopt its expanded AIDS case-definition , which includes pulmonary tuberculosis , recurrent pneumonia within twelve months , and invasive cervical carcinoma in HIV-infected individuals .
25 Over this unimaginably ( for humans ) long time , each of the two lineages that branched from that remote ancestor has preserved 305 out of the 306 characters ( on average : it could be that one lineage has preserved all 306 of them and the other has preserved 304 ) .
26 Backing up this policy , the department has delegated all community liaison work to Malawian professional staff .
27 On the rare occasions that the drains run very clear you can see that the dredger has left all sorts of lumps and troughs along the bottom and these would never be found normally except by the most meticulous plumbing .
28 This is not to say that general practice has solved all its problems , for an old contradiction remains unresolved .
29 Now that Hunt 's committee has ducked all the technical issues and government ministers can not agree on a policy , officials inside the Department of Industry are trying to decide how tightly the government should control the type of cable system laid , what technology to recommend and who should be allowed to do what .
30 After the village has met all its needs for fodder , the energy potential of the remaining crop wastes and animal wastes is enough to fuel the village ( for cooking , pumping water , making fertilisers ) and still leave a surplus .
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