Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 As Edward Hulmes quoted in his book in this series , Education and Cultural Diversity : The great teachers of religion have always had to get rid of the useless lumber which accumulates in its progress — the rigid dogmatism , the narrow legalism , the mechanical rites , the silly superstitions which may become a substitute for religious life .
2 Dave Bassett 's side have only had one penalty in 90 games in the last two seasons .
3 Changes in technology and the associated decline in the size of the farm labour force have also had a profound effect on the relationship between the farm worker and his employer .
4 The club have never had a better side .
5 Contract law has been of major importance in underpinning the market , although other areas of law have also had a bearing .
6 Since labour costs account for around 60 per cent of operating costs in BR and RENFE , these pressures for financial stringency and cost cutting have naturally had a major impact on industrial relations in the two enterprises as later chapters will show .
7 Current newcomers to the sport have never had it so easy .
8 Staff at the Sydenham site have also had talks with the manufacturer and operator of the Whispering Jet 146 and with environmental health officers .
9 In 1986 , however , only 31% of all newly qualified Ph D graduates took up university employment ( Anderson 2 ) , and the boom period for academic jobs was around 1965 , when 53% of all such researchers found employment in universities , so that it may be that the majority of successful Ph D researchers over the period have not had access to those facilities which would have helped them to publish .
10 In 1986 , however , only 31% of all newly qualified Ph D graduates took up university employment ( Anderson ) , and the boom period for academic jobs was around 1965 , when 53% of all such researchers found employment in universities , so that it may be that the majority of successful Ph D researchers over the period have not had access to those facilities which would have helped them to publish .
11 On the contrary , since a high proportion of this age group have never had a smear or no recent smear , screening of this age group would have substantial benefits . ’
12 But Crosby almost released Stone then into a good position and you have to say Forest have certainly had the best of this second half .
13 Collections of diplomatic documents concerned with the origins of the Great War have also had their built-in weaknesses .
14 Amnesty have already had a free booking .
15 The school was Summerhill , run by A. S. Neill , whose revolutionary views on education have since had considerable influence on modern teaching methods .
16 I feel that the facilities provided by the Careers Service have never had greater significance and I take some consolation in knowing that the current team is well structured and dedicated to providing the best possible service in finding careers and fulfilment for graduates from the University ’ .
17 Now the temps an and the two new business people for example have definitely had an impact on our ability to be as productive as you normally expect to be .
18 Past introductions of new species into a strange environment have sometimes had unforseen and undesirable consequences .
19 What is more , we have sought to identify areas of disability that in the past have not had the attention that they deserve , and to meet them with the new benefits .
20 Since the owners of capital have always had , and continue to have , the ear of government it is their views which prevail in the legislative sphere .
21 Early design and control decisions based on inadequate information have often had catastrophic consequences ( eg large-scale pollution of the environment , large-scale unemployment , large-scale urban decay ) .
22 But the Horde have always had other off-duty characters and both Simon 's fascination with Bryan Ferry and their collective alternative identity as the Last Bandits get reintegrated into the fold with the two ballads , ‘ Over Here ’ , and ‘ Friends In Time ’ .
23 When something goes wrong , the slogan ‘ Have machine , will travel ’ has a depressing ring of truth , especially disastrous in the winter season , since it is no good excavating a channel in midwinter if the ecologists working with the engineers on a scheme have not had the opportunity during the previous summer growing season to identify the existing aquatic habitat affected .
24 People who respond in this way have often had a difficult early life when they had separation forced upon them , maybe by a parent being hospitalized or going away or dying .
25 For Esteban Vicente , still busy at work in his Bridgehampton studio as he enters his ninth decade , the sweet blarings of Fame 's trumpet have always had more than a little in common with the songs of the sirens .
26 This , of course , may be the proverbial ‘ chicken and the egg situation ’ , in that historians in this country have not had the opportunity to use such electronic text sources , and have therefore failed to address the issues involved .
27 This , in turn , means that all titles must sell internationally : ‘ To date have n't had one book that has n't gone into foreign editions . ’
28 ‘ We English have often had a different way of looking at such things from the French , Mr Lewis . ’
29 Feminists in psychology have always had more respect for biology than have feminists in other disciplines .
30 Trotskyism and Maoism have both had an impact in Latin America , which has also produced its own distinct versions of Marxist theory in Castroism and Guevarism .
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