Example sentences of "[noun sg] were [prep] no " in BNC.

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1 And the secular armies which established her hegemony for her on the Continent were in no position to undertake a full-scale military campaign against Ireland .
2 For the moment , however , those in the pavilion were in no danger and the crowded audience which waited was entirely sympathetic to the leader 's case .
3 The position was however different as regards A and the company , for they had not been charged , and in the view of the deputy judge were in no better or worse position than any other potential witness from whom information and documents were sought for the purpose of securing compliance with or detecting evasion of the Act .
4 Russia 's economy remained overwhelmingly agrarian , the peasantry were in no position to provide a strong market for industry , and not until the following reign would the State itself embark upon large-scale industrial investment .
5 Saddam Hussein 's invasion was the clearest breach of the international rules imaginable ; his expansionist intentions and despotic nature were in no doubt ; western oil supplies were endangered and a consensus could readily be mustered against the invaders .
6 All three spoke as though the moment were of no real consequence , but I know that for Mother and for O at least it must have been a strange and moving moment .
7 As time passed , however , the Church censors began to act as if the distinction were of no importance .
8 Those present at the meeting were in no doubt of her overriding philosophy : ‘ I own the company , my daughter took the photographs , therefore you use them .
9 Two separate grounds were advanced in support of the claim , namely , ( 1 ) the broad constitutional point that as the Commissioners of Customs and Excise had no authority from Parliament to impose the charges and the corporation were under no legal liability to pay them the latter should be entitled to recover , and ( 2 ) that the condictio indebiti applied where there was error in the interpretation of a public general statute .
10 The first was that , as Hall had told the architects he had met before the competition , the Government were under no obligation to employ any of the successful competitors .
11 Mica and asbestos were of no use to stone-age men for tools and weapons because the planes of weakness run straight through from one side to the other .
12 Those around him anxious to please and do his bidding were in no doubt as to what he wanted and desperately sought a solution at any price that would satisfy their commander-in-chief .
13 Whilst the Butt Report " scourge " had a devastating effect on the staff at Bomber Command , the Directorate of Bomber Operations at the Air Ministry were under no false illusion as to how able the Command was in striking its targets .
14 The commander of the East Indiaman Woodcott , Captain Ninian Lowis , married the daughter of a prominent Stirlingshire freeholder , John Monro of Auchenbowie , and thereafter the voyages of Auchenbowie 's son-in-law were of no small concern to the county member , Sir Thomas Dundas .
15 But effort and reason were to no avail .
16 Angina and ST depression were of no predictive value .
17 Perhaps the majority of the " workhouses " still so called in the last third of the eighteenth century were in no real sense distinguishable from " poorhouses " , that is from places where the impotent poor , through age or infirmity , could be lodged either until death or more temporarily .
18 In general the silent cinema made its greatest impact with adaptations of literary classics and , as we have seen , critics in 1914 thought that the films of John Barleycorn and The Jungle were in no way inferior to the original novels and felt in particular that the low-life settings were entirely convincing .
19 My landlord and his servant were in no hurry to help , and could not have climbed the cellar steps more slowly , but luckily a woman , who I supposed was the housekeeper , rushed into the room to calm the dogs .
20 The family were of no help .
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