Example sentences of "[noun sg] 's [v-ing] that " in BNC.

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1 But now Wiltshire County Council 's proposing that those buses should be scrapped to save money .
2 As their Lordships understand their reasoning , it was that the two sales were not legally interdependent and that there was no evidence to support the judge 's finding that the Perots had a special interest in buying the two adjoining properties .
3 The significance of his gearless pedestal has not yet been fully realised but it so influenced engineer 's thinking that solar powered lights are feasible even in the higher ranges .
4 I particularly like the way the teacher 's emphasising that it 's sometimes all right to be rude to adults .
5 But with Lindsey it was the smoking , the drinking staying out , out pretending she was babysitting erm ringing her daddy home and saying daddy can I babysit the night till half eleven and her daddy 's thinking that she was telling the truth
6 He had treated her exactly as he 'd said he would , and not even for an instant had Kate had even a bat 's twinkling that he thought of her as an attractive woman .
7 Their initial closure decision was made on three grounds , according to the minutes : the expected financial savings of about £3,000 ; consideration of the good condition and underused capacity of the school building at Green Haven , as opposed to the poor condition of the older building at Village ( whose toilet facilities were located in an out-building at the school ) ; and the Director 's feeling that the ‘ educational situation ’ would be better at Green Haven .
8 He could just nod , or sigh , or do anything , in fact , which Pooh would rightly take to correlate with Rabbit 's believing that there 's honey .
9 An early morning mist hung over York racecourse , gift-wrapping it for the fine autumn day 's racing that lay ahead .
10 Thousands of people do it every day ; what 's wrong with me that my inside 's screaming that it 's not real ?
11 But their Lordships had concluded that in Cherry 's case the magistrate 's finding that the delay was justified was wholly untenable .
12 In one case the court confirmed the Commission 's finding that there was evidence of abusive conduct where United Brands ' prices in certain banana markets within the EC were excessive in relation to the economic value of the product supplied and that they differed considerably from one EC market to another .
13 Accordingly , the Court declined to annul the Commission 's finding that the Net Book Agreement was in breach of Art 85(1) .
14 . This reporter 's saying that it 's her mother 's , yo , you 'll see ! she married .
15 Nevertheless , the jury 's finding that Poindexter was part of a conspiracy involving members of the Reagan administration amounted to the clearest judicial verdict yet rendered upon the Iran-contra scandal .
16 ‘ Because it 's Stone 's suffering that he wants .
17 There is no inconsistency in my and my neighbour 's holding that we each should look after our own dog ( or sleep with our own wife , come to that ) .
18 A working party 's recommending that the existing outdoor pool at Edmunds Park should be shut and that an indoor one should be opened to replace it .
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