Example sentences of "[noun sg] we will [be] " in BNC.

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1 We have n't found him yet , but thanks to you and your horse we 'll be going away from Witney richer than when we arrived .
2 In future we 'll be asking for less . ’
3 I think it 's fair to say that with this new computer erm the box office that we 've got a lot of information can be stored on that and in future we 'll be using a much more erm sophisticated in a scientific way for instance if you came here and book that seat that your sitting in tonight we would know on that computer what type of show that your discouraging coming to erm we can say to you we can send you out a leaflet saying the kind of er things that you 'd like to see are on at the playhouse on such and such a date and we could even say to you would you like the seat that you normally sit in .
4 I will not yield to the temptation to reflect on the problems that face this university and the Centre for Continuing Education as part of it , but I think that it 's fair to say that in the future we will be hard put to maintain the volume and variety of the contribution we have been trying to make to adult education in the community .
5 one young golfer who did grow up to greatness is Sandy Lyle … he 's in Thame on Sunday to open up the new Oxfordshire Golf Club we 'll be meeting up with him on Monday …
6 Next week on the programme we 'll be looking at the position of religion in Scotland .
7 And in Monday night 's programme we 'll be reporting on the animal hospital 's efforts to save the lives of seals trapped in the Shetlands oil slick .
8 Later in the programme we 'll be talking to their two victims .
9 Later in the programme we 'll be having a report from Molyneux looking at all the local games in detail .
10 Indeed , at the end of this chapter we will be arguing an alternative position ( based on human rights ) which although non-utilitarian nevertheless takes account of the possible reductivist effects of punishment .
11 In this chapter we will be concerned only with errors made by normal speakers .
12 In this chapter we will be outlining the evolution of the Communities ' social policy beginning with the " social clauses " of the Treaty of Rome , which included the establishment of the European Social Fund .
13 Thus our activities at Windscale will be an essential part of the overall review we will be carrying out in preparation for the three Divisions .
14 They will all tend to put a stress on the system and depending on our health or susceptibility we will be affected to a greater or a lesser degree .
15 Throughout this study we will be discussing the crucial contributions made by recent writers within the social ( or what the Chicago School called ‘ cultural ’ ) level .
16 ‘ Basically , we are looking to discuss it further with Foinavon and that will be the recommendation we will be putting to the general committee of the club . ’
17 ‘ After the English Test we will be on our way home and that is how it should be . ’
18 That has been successful Chair , during the course of the year , we 're three quarters of the way through , but our monitoring information shows that we 've easily reached that ten percent target , and that does fit in equally with the work we 'll be describing a bit later on , the Enterprise Agency is , is working on .
19 So , I mean , we know what we want , but it 's them and not us , I mean , it is frightening to start a business up , 'cos we do n't know how much work we 'll be getting , but , I mean ,
20 " The breakfast 's on the floor , and anyway , by the time you 've cleared up this mess we 'll be gone .
21 In our next issue we will be examining why some people still resist the pressure to pick up after their dogs .
22 If he runs the country as well as he ran the campaign we 'll be alright . ’
23 Following the pattern of development of municipal law we will be able to outlaw self-help in the enforcement of international law , remove the weapons of violence from the hands of those who might break the law and ensure that no state is a judge in its own cause when it comes to questions of legitimate self-defence or disputes about allegations of aggression .
24 In the next issue of Assay we will be taking a look at some applications of diesel exhaust catalysts on city centre buses , trucks and other heavy duty diesel engines .
25 ‘ Have yer decided which lager we 'll be having ? ’
26 In the second half we 'll be describing how our er new generation of products really seek to address each of those challenges .
27 Unlike the paint file formats used for binary ( black and white ) images , TIFF is capable of supporting grey scale information which makes it extremely relevant to the next image type we 'll be looking at .
28 When applied to child abuse , then , it is assumed that if we can identify the characteristics associated with actual or potential abuse we will be able to identify and hence predict and prevent the problem .
29 This is the question we will be addressing in the next section .
30 ‘ When considering long-term placement we will be looking more at adoption , ’ explained Jane .
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