Example sentences of "[noun sg] she took [art] " in BNC.

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1 After marriage she took a break while her two children were small , returning later to a fresh specialisation as Research Fellow at St. Mark 's Hospital , London ( gastroenterological/ coloproctological diseases ) She has M.R.C.P. ( London ) 1950 and D.M. 1971 .
2 Back in the cottage she took a long , hot bath , but the water failed to ease the tension in her body , even though she lay there for what seemed like an eternity , trying to will away the effects of the afternoon .
3 Her first detective novel , The Man in the Queue , a highly accomplished piece of a work for a novice hand , was published in 1929 under the pseudonym of Gordon Daviot — the name by which she preferred to be known , in both public and private — though for her seven other works in this genre she took the name Josephine Tey .
4 From the top drawer of her chest-of-drawers she took a pad and went to fetch her biro from the handbag hanging on the back of the door .
5 When Zoser dabbed a little on his wife 's sleeve she took the sleeve and held it up to her nose .
6 Once in her room she took a seat by the windows and , pushing her distress over Paul to the back of her mind , tore open the packet he 'd given her .
7 In her living room she took the bundle of replies to her ad in the New Statesman , settled at her desk and wrote to Michael who was an architect and described himself as outgoing .
8 From the other she took the photograph — now with the glass cracked — of Tatyana and Zbigniew Nowak on Westminster Bridge .
9 When I was out with the children the other day she took a call from Tim Dunton .
10 The next day she took the plane back to Oklahoma .
11 Travelling by night she took the form of a mortal nurse , the better to prey on children and suck their blood .
12 ONE customer was so concerned about her new Amtico bathroom floor matching the sanitaryware she took the loo cistern lid into the Sheffield studio .
13 After that she pushed the older woman from her mind while concentrating upon several small tasks , and at mid morning she took a break to follow the covered path leading towards the chalets .
14 When it was Sally 's turn she took a large breath .
15 With her free hand she took the golden decoration from him , examining it with care .
16 At the end she took a deep breath , before joining in the rapturous applause , wishing the lights could be turned up .
17 Well in the end she took a stack and went in to see Miss and Miss tried to change the subject , subj
18 in the end she took the children home with her , erm it was so different from what they 'd been used to in those erm
19 She moved on , and into a quagmire of silt which she had to wade through , making obscene sucking noises every time she took a step .
20 her uncle and aunt decided it was time she took a husband , their choice for her being Manfro Draper , a posh-rat like herself .
21 ‘ We do a lot of restoration work , and when she went back home on a visit she took a brochure which showed the sort of stuff we do .
22 At first Miss Outram told them to ask their mothers , but feeling she might lose the girls ' confidence if she blocked their curiosity she took a more direct approach .
23 Which was true , but with each step she took the shock grew less and her spirit rallied .
24 Then , since the fisherman did not come home , every morning she took his supper to the cliff-side and fed it to the wild snakes ; every noon she took the hempen nets and gave them to the sea-birds to build their nests .
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