Example sentences of "[noun sg] she could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That mean she could no longer counter-sign company cheques .
2 Even in her grief she could still look out for her remaining children .
3 It was not a matter of ‘ if only … ’ , but rather a nostalgia for a different , a parallel plane of existence , a nostalgia for a future she could never have lived .
4 In her mind she could still hear the other woman saying lewdly , ‘ She 's certainly got the hots for you . ’
5 But once she was on a downward incline she could only run faster and faster , squawking with fury as she lost her balance , till she tripped over and fell in a tumble of feathers and feet .
6 Having to hold the button down all the time made it a bit awkward for looking out of the side window , but by craning her neck she could just manage to see the hole to the rear of the craft .
7 In the dim light she could just make out some moving shapes .
8 For a second she could almost feel the warm slump of the hare 's body , and its weight when it swung from her hand , heavy and loose , as she carried it home by the ears .
9 For a second she could only gaze at him , completely at a loss .
10 ‘ I 'm taking you in my arms , ’ he returned with a calmness she could only envy from the bottom of her heart .
11 Despite the fact that she wanted to weep , and she was shaking so badly inside that it was a wonder she could still stand up straight at all , she snorted derisively , because she was too afraid to believe his words .
12 She reached out across the street and tried to get an idea of the shape of a building she could dimly see .
13 This was the corner to which she had tottered , her mother holding her on white leather reins , her legs encased in knitted leggings whose scratchiness she could still remember .
14 Standing at last in Woodborough parish church — dedicated to St Paul — watching her mother 's coffin being lowered on to trestles below the chancel steps , Isobel was so riven with thankfulness she could hardly keep upright .
15 In that instant she could happily have hit him .
16 In any case she could always find out his real intentions by telling him she was pregnant .
17 But for Diana this chatter signified freedom , a freedom she could no longer enjoy .
18 On her money she could well have afforded something grander , like a Porsche , but evidently she had decided against ostentation .
19 At the top of a wave she could easily see across the Longstone rock to the other side .
20 She was rarely pleased to see Damien , but at that moment she could cheerfully have driven red-hot nails into his ugly wedge of a face .
21 For a moment she could barely breathe .
22 Unexpected , it was like a surprise confrontation , and for a moment she could only stare blindly at the familiar name .
23 For a moment she could only stare at him , completely at a loss as to what he meant .
24 For a moment she could hardly take it in .
25 He seemed far away from Ruth , in a trance whose nature she could only guess at — but free , she thought , of the despair and anger that beset him in their own world .
26 This evening she could hardly hide her delight .
27 She edged a little closer and looked down at him , then , impelled by a need she could no longer deny , she touched his face , following the curve of his cheek , the enticing cleft in his chin , the finely chiselled mouth .
28 The hard warmth of him annihilated her last reservations , substituting instead some primitive , age-old need she could neither deny nor control .
29 This was an added complication she could well do without .
30 His face , less hollowed and drawn already than her first impression of it , possessed a quality in repose she could only describe as beauty , of a very virile , masculine variety .
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