Example sentences of "[noun sg] she have see " in BNC.

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1 For a few minutes she stood in shocked silence ; she had been so sure that the rider from the woods had been herself … but now , realizing that the lover she had seen had been Morthen , she felt angry and upset .
2 The initiative foundered and Lorna , who has always had a talent for design , remembered an advert she had seen for Colour Counsellors .
3 The curtains swung open , revealing the peacock-coloured grotto she had seen there before .
4 More images whirled through Loretta 's head — the figure she had seen in the bed , a body being dragged to the door , herself in handcuffs waiting to board the ferry .
5 She remained serious about reading all her life , taking pains with her five children 's education and recommending that they read good books , " not some of the trash she had seen at Morrison & Gibb " .
6 She looked up at him defiantly and his cold stare turned to reluctant amusement , the dark eyes holding hers flaring with that same recognition she had seen before .
7 They were like the boy she had seen at Oak Lodge …
8 Shannon had never been able to believe that ; as a child she 'd seen a photograph of her father , and even then she 'd been stunned to silence by his incredible good looks .
9 After the initial wave of guilty surprise , finding that the beautiful girl she 'd seen at the market had been Roman 's younger sister , she 'd taken an immediate liking to Anneliese .
10 Folly remembered the young girl she had seen when delivering the flowers , and her obvious hero-worship of her boss .
11 Stubbornness she had seen as assertiveness , a strength she admired in a man .
12 In that fleeting instant she had seen the soldier of her dreams .
13 Then in a tobacconist 's window she saw ‘ cigars ’ marked fourpence and thought that they looked something like the kind she had seen Chignell buying the other night .
14 It was the red-head she 'd seen in town .
15 And the new tears were for the absolute tenderness she had seen in his eyes .
16 Of course she had seen the massive building on the junction with Oxford Street .
17 It was the question that had been tormenting her from the very moment she had seen him enter the room .
18 It was the home of a very wealthy man , a man she had recognised as wealthy the moment she had seen him .
19 What that word represented had begun to grow in her from almost the very first moment she had seen him .
20 For one fleeting moment she had seen the temptation to kiss her in his eyes , and , gallingly , part of her had wanted him to .
21 There was too much snow for her to tell whether this was the place she had seen before , with the stone walls of the castle rising among the thick , frozen trees .
22 Here , at close quarters , the fitful , elusive silver congealed into the turgid brown flood she had seen upriver , a silent surge of water looking almost solid in its power , sweeping along leaves and branches and roots and swathes of weed in its eddies , gnawing away loose red layers of the soil along this near bank , and eating at the muddy rim of the path .
23 She met his eyes , searching for any lingering trace of the bleakness she had seen the night before , but there was none , only undiluted wickedness flirting with her senses .
24 Since coming into the forest she had seen no further sign of the beast .
25 Since the evening of the reception at the governor 's palais when she had turned her head to find him looking at her , the memory of the naked desire she had seen in Jacques Devraux 's eyes had smouldered in her mind .
26 Alexander Vass was smiling , that smile she had seen before that totally transformed him .
27 About two-thirds of the sacks of refuse had gone , and the pit she had seen was as if it had never been , under a litter of dead leaves where a couple of blackbirds foraged .
28 Increasingly she felt , without putting it into so many words , that all she wanted was to read , to paint , and to make her father into that person she had seen with the Princesse : a light , carefree , witty , happy Jacob .
29 Now , to confound her , there was that man — if she truly had recognised him in the wreck she had seen .
30 It was the policewoman she had seen in the police station .
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