Example sentences of "[noun sg] she [vb past] have " in BNC.

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1 When the dragon had flighted across the market place of Antioch , and Margaret had found herself swept up between the huge teeth , she had laughed like a child at the brief glance she had had of the panic around her ; she had laughed from the pure unexpectedness of her escape and at the terrified way the mighty Olybrius had nearly swallowed his moustaches .
2 You show me words Joelle , my trunk she sobbed has lost it , ah it 's a poem .
3 Sylvia Dick is finally reunited with the car she thought had gone for good .
4 It was n't fair to leave him in a fool 's paradise , and for her own peace of mind she wanted to have everything settled .
5 Both girls thought she was joking at first but when she recounted word for word the interview she had had with Moran they exploded into wild laughter .
6 Her hard work and determination set her in good stead for the confrontation she had had with the Johnson representative , Albert Buller .
7 The comfortable feeling of friendship she had had since that night in August , when she had so firmly suppressed her teenage-flavoured infatuation , was what had allowed love to grow .
8 Yesterday when he had imprinted his lips on her mouth she had had no foretaste of what a deliberate kiss of his could be like .
9 Her body felt stiff and awkward , as if the cold she felt had been physical enough to stiffen her muscles , as well as freeze her heart .
10 She then told me of a child she had had who had been still-born .
11 As a child she had had a piggy bank ; she could recall the physical satisfaction of its jingling weight in her hands .
12 The slender hold she 'd had on him was broken because of her impatience .
13 It seemed artificially produced , as if in an attempt to control any quavering she had had to gather both breath and energy to produce the measured cadences .
14 The dream she had had , lying on the beach and the sea coming in , split open and fire running out of her guts , that would not be enough .
15 Everything was out in the open now and the dream she had had for so long was about to turn into reality .
16 He discovered that as a girl she had had a passion for Stendhal , so had he , and they talked about Julien Sorel and Tolstoi and Rimbaud .
17 In fourteen years Eleanor had not produced an heir to his kingdom , but in the first six years of her second marriage she had had five children and four of them were boys : William , who died in 1156 , Henry , Richard and Geoffrey .
18 It seemed to me that the question she asked had been simmering in her for some time .
19 But as she walked quickly through the enormous building she began to have doubts .
20 Scar tissue all right ; a birthmark she 'd had removed in early teens in case it turned malignant .
21 It was all the whisky she 'd had .
22 I 've experienced them , ’ — remembering , with a shudder , a crappy little agency in Clapham where there had lurked a loud gritty third-rate Scottish horror she 'd had the misfortune to run across in her Algox days .
23 Twenty four hours before admission she had had a transitional mole removed from her back under local anaesthesia in the outpatient department .
24 If she had been a religious person she would have put it down to retribution for her sins , but she had lost whatever faith she had had in her years as the Madam of Dublin 's most fashionable brothel .
25 Janet has worked at Barlaston for the past 18 months and the award she gained has marked the completion of a year-long programme designed to help the Guild 's managers to develop further their marketing and merchandising skills .
26 By early afternoon she had had enough and returned to the barn , desperate for the cool interior and something to eat .
27 Of course she 'd had to ; Gran needed her ; Adam was no use , and Ruth , steady and sensible , was the obvious grandchild to come and help over the summer season .
28 Like her great namesake she was always well organized , and of course she had had so much experience helping with my grandmother 's last six confinements , and going out sometimes with our local midwife , who to some would be a Sairey Gamp , but to those who knew her , another angel of mercy .
29 Paula reappeared , carrying the little modelling case she had had to buy and equip with cosmetics , shoes and spare tights .
30 ‘ In case she 'd had an accident or something ? ’ suggested Dalziel sympathetically .
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