Example sentences of "[noun sg] or [be] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There 's not much we can do with being in or out the building or is there ?
2 Does that mean he has had a drastic change of heart or is it just that he thinks , along with many of his colleagues , that there is electoral advantage in keeping this quiet at the moment ?
3 However , is this polarity of values really the case or is it merely a convenient dichotomy for argument 's sake ?
4 There 's lots of myths about Rachmanite landlords — is that really the case or is it one huge myth ?
5 Second test for functional form and there should read , you know we 've logged our data here logging implies there 's a multi picketed relationship between the variable expressed in absolute value , is that the case or is there a linear relationship or some other type of relationship there ?
6 ‘ I am therefore issuing my second challenge to Michael Fallon : will he now withdraw his remarks and accept that real cuts are taking place in Darlington 's training provision or is he scared of the truth about training ? ’
7 Can we speak of progress or is it just a series of changes which are going on ?
8 Is that to be defined by reference to the express terms of the contract or are they to be excluded in defining what was reasonably to be expected ?
9 Such a representation would not give rise to an estoppel , because , as was said in Jorden v. Money ( 1854 ) 5 H.L.C. 185 ( below , p.252 ) , a representation as to the future must be embodied as a contract or be nothing .
10 A new cooker or whatever can be a tremendous boon and investment but before you go out and spend money ask yourself questions about the way you live : is the pace hectic or leisurely ? how many and what sort of meals do you have to provide ? are you far from a good supermarket or freezer centre ? how much time do you have for shopping ? are you out at work all day ? do you grow your own vegetables ? how often do you entertain ? can you spend time on cooking and food preparation or is it always meals in a hurry ?
11 And this was why the company pulled out of the , it says out of the north , are they still in existence or were they in
12 Is it a house of prayer or is it unhelpfully cluttered ?
13 Is that ambition functioning at a high level or is it just a sense of obligation or is it idealism ?
14 You 're not for a wedding present or are you giving here a present ?
15 What the we the cake as a wedding present or are you giving her a present besides .
16 Will serving dishes , cutlery , table linen be kept in the kitchen or is there space for them near the dining table ?
17 Why do you think your relationship with Richard Burton was so fiery — was it temperament or was it just the booze ?
18 Just looking at those prices on the screen I suppose Oakes General Pershing is a worthy favourite or is he ?
19 Is their responsibility to art cinema or are they mortgaged to the Hollywood estate ?
20 right , now what do you like about driving , I mean er the , you , know , you all know what the car is , what , what , what 's , what appeals , is it just something you have to do , is it a necessity or is it actually because you enjoy it ?
21 Is the purpose of a single European currency and the central bank to assist us in improving living standards by providing a level playing field or are they steps towards some kind of federal Europe ?
22 And they , they had had some experience or were they engineers or something
23 Was that due to personal experience or was it
24 Erm the Communist Party needed the approval of the majority of peasants erm before land reform could take place and there was there 's this sort of chicken and egg problem in that how that do you have land reform in order to mobilize peasant support or is it the peasant support that 's going to enable land reform t to take place successfully .
25 Were they a coincidence or are you going through a purple patch at the moment ?
26 What sort of person would she have been , I 'm I 'm wondering whether she would be doing this for money or was she be doing it because she really cared about people .
27 Was that the consultants ' own decision or were they prevented from consulting the NRA by the Cardiff Bay development corporation which originally proposed the Bill in close co-operation with the Welsh Office ?
28 Was it really your decision or were you heavily influence by others ?
29 Was it I mean when the actual decision was made to ge to get rid of that property that was there prior to the flats , was that a controversial decision or was it welcomed by local people who ?
30 Are those the conditions that provided the recession or are they something different ?
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