Example sentences of "[noun sg] had been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Not content with blackguarding him in the columns of the local rag , him and his silly daughter 's bum , the one-time Chief Citizen of the Borough had been up to no good with a girl young enough to be Grace 's sister , and in the Grand Hotel , and at a Conservative Party conference of all places .
2 The office gossip had been quite useful in reassuring him on that point , and he had been able to view the uncomfortable ride in the lift with them in an encouraging new light .
3 Until now its speed had been so great that it had grown into a ravening monster , capable not only of swallowing the Residency , but of gulping down the banqueting hall as well .
4 Her mouth tight , she hurried into the cottage and slammed the door , but that one brief glance had been more than enough for her to take in the fact that he 'd removed his shirt as though quite impervious to the chill wind that made everyone else shiver , and was digging over the colonel 's vegetable patch with an economy of movement that she might have admired if it had been anyone else but him .
5 She had seen him only once during the past three years — two bleak weeks ago at the funeral , when her grief had been so great that she had barely registered his presence .
6 The virginia creeper was a little more luxuriant perhaps and the wood-work had been newly painted and was whiter than she remembered .
7 By the end of the 1970S the additions to the housing stock had been so considerable that arguments were increasingly heard that Britain had enough houses .
8 Worse still , by the end of May there were indications that for the first time German losses might be exceeding those of the French ; within a week one completely new brigade had been as good as wiped out .
9 ‘ Only the left hand side of the carving knife touched the next piece of meat , while the right hand side had been neatly wiped on the outside piece , so everyone else 's meat was unaffected . ’
10 The yard at the side had been roughly roofed over with corrugated iron ; it was not entirely waterproof as buckets and other containers were dotted around the floor to catch the drips .
11 Once his parents were able to reassure him that his mummy had been very ill for a while but now she was better but had to take medicine he became a much easier boy to handle and stopped urinating on the carpet .
12 Infidelity had become freshly dangerous , potentially much more lethal to a marriage than adultery had been previously .
13 Although Dowding 's administration had been narrowly returned to office in February 1989 [ see p. 36466 ] , its popularity continued to decline in the face of ongoing allegations concerning its financial competence and its relationship with beleaguered Australian entrepreneur Alan Bond .
14 Legislative liaison in the Carter administration had been notably weak ; Frank Moore , a fellow Georgian whom Carter placed in charge of the operation , had no previous congressional experience and proved inept and insensitive in his dealings with members of congress in the crucial early months .
15 Prior to the rioting the Dinkins administration had been widely congratulated on successfully avoiding the disturbances which had affected many US cities in the aftermath of the Los Angeles riots of April-May 1992 .
16 By then the Faulkner administration had been out of existence for some months and hostility to it no longer rallied the public .
17 The only policeman on patrol with the soldiers claimed he witnessed the attack and that the stolen car had not hit any member of the patrol and that the shooting had been totally unjustified .
18 In that moment , she almost broke down and told him she loved him desperately , for she could see , finally , that all her pretences in Thailand of his capacity for emotion had been just that : pretences .
19 The decision ended a trial which the government of Mexico had repeatedly denounced as illegal on the grounds that the defendant had been forcibly abducted and taken to the USA in violation of the US-Mexican extradition treaty .
20 Held , allowing the appeal ( Lord Lowry dissenting ) , that an act expressly or impliedly authorised by the owner of goods or consented to by him could amount to an appropriation of the goods within section 1(1) of the Theft Act 1968 where such authority or consent had been obtained by deception ; and that , accordingly , the defendant had been rightly convicted of theft ( post , pp. 1073F , 1076G–H , 1080C–F , 1081C–D , 1109F , 1111E ) .
21 ‘ The defendant had been personally negligent in that he had failed to take such steps and make such inquiries as would have revealed to him the defects in his structure and the risks of fire thereby occasioned . ’
22 612 where it was held that a defendant had been validly committed for trial by justices notwithstanding that they had previously embarked on a summary trial but decided before the summary trial was concluded that in the circumstances they should not deal with the case and should commit the defendant for trial .
23 The material facts are that , some time before the notice was served , the defendant had been knowingly and actively permitting the house to be used as a brothel …
24 So now the entire silly episode had been fully accounted for !
25 The whole episode had been so horrendous , so traumatic , that her father had chosen to wipe the board clean of it — on a superficial level , at least .
26 They had not ill-treated him in prison , but the fact that his future had been so very much in danger had had a tremendous influence on his morale .
27 The number of people in the UK infected with HIV has been estimated to be up to 100,000 , of whom AIDS had been officially reported in 4228 , by January 1991 .
28 More than 200,000 cases of AIDS had been officially reported to WHO by more than 150 countries by the end of 1989 , and it was estimated that between 5,000,000 and 10,000,000 people were HIV-positive .
29 Marijuana , liberalism , wild living and protestation had been around for a long time .
30 Pereira 's defeat had been widely predicted following the rout of his nominally Marxist African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde ( PAICV ) in the first multiparty legislative elections , on Jan. 13 , when Monteiro 's Movement for Democracy ( MPD ) won 56 of the 79 seats in the National People 's Assembly [ see p. 37948 ] .
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