Example sentences of "[noun sg] as i [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 As a result , he once stopped his car as I was walking up the track in Monaco , opened his door and said , ‘ Hop in . ’
2 I could n't bring myself to believe it , and after I had visited Cooper in Maidstone Prison and McMahon in Long Lartin Prison and spoken to their two solicitors , Gareth Peirce for Cooper and Wendy Mantle for McMahon , as well as to Tom Sargant , the secretary of JUSTICE , who had also taken up the case , I was convinced that they were as innocent of the Luton murder as I was .
3 I 'd driven over , and could n't believe a country so beautiful could harbour such violence as I was to see then and year after year ever since .
4 ‘ I was alone in this new search as I was alone when I discovered I loved my own sex .
5 Danielle is a very happy and contented baby and I am a very happy and contented full time working mum — and as far as I 'm concerned that 's the best recommendation I can give to those of you who are in the same boat as I was of dreading re-entering the working world !
6 Yesterday he said : ‘ I 'm pleased I 've got back to work as I was getting bored at home .
7 One of the organisers , Charles Rigby , put the whole thing into proportion as I was anxiously sorting out with Clare a second name for the next-of-kin slot at the back of her passport .
8 So if you were going at sixty four , you know , about a millimetre before the sign you have to be going at fifty five a millimetre after the sign er and you can be pulled up by a State Trooper as I was pulled up , quite unjustly I felt .
9 I met the old lady as I was walking down a steep path out of the village .
10 I met a Bulgarian as I was handing round the cheese dip .
11 Yet , as I watched all this from the very end of the slow queue , I had thought it would be me who would have been regarded the potential menace as I was at the wheel of the most outrageously styled and priced supercar ever .
12 ‘ One day I asked her a question as I was getting on , and she just smacked my face …
13 I heard the cry as I was passing Mrs Ainsworth 's house .
14 My period of training took place as I was practising in the clinical area .
15 Yeah but I was , I was on the same place as I was one behind him !
16 One evening as I was walking through the village , I heard a voice coming from the gable end of a cottage , ‘ Bonsoir , Monsieur .
17 One evening as I was nearing Farr 's entrance , I was running , tripped , with the result that I banged my head on the pavement .
18 He finds himself ‘ considering the idea of flight ’ , and the idea of defeat : ‘ 1 suppose that , thinking of my own harassment and Raymond 's defeat , I had begun to consider Yvette a defeated person as well , trapped in the town , as sick of herself and the wasting asset of her body as I was sick of myself and my anxieties . ’
19 Do n't go in there and that could have gone down my whole body as I was walking through everything keeps falling off .
20 I was disappointed that the valve did n't seem to play as big a part in the sound as I was hoping , so maybe Hughes & Kettner should look at giving this part of the Attax a tweak or two .
21 I WAS suffering a sense of guilt as I was long overdue a visit to our Scarinish Branch in Tiree .
22 One of the virtues of parental investment er theory I would say is that er it 's particularly sensitive to female interests in , in in sexuality and nobody who knows me or has read er my works would , could possibly suspect me here of fashionable feminist prejudices er so I do n't say this because I think this is what people like to hear , but because I happen to think it 's true , I 'm afraid I 'm one of these old-fashioned and you may think stupid people who believe that you should er say things cos you think they 're true , not because you think er it 's what you think want w want to hear or if you say it , you 'll be accused of sexual harassment by a lecturer as I was last year .
23 I HAVE been engaged twice before , but they were only kid 's stuff as I was 17 and 19 at the time .
24 I could feel the blast on my back as I was pitched forward , landing face down on the ground unable to move and gasping for breath .
25 All I can say is that someone hit me at about 40 or 50mph up the back as I was turning into the corner .
26 It was rapping in my back as I was pushed past Roger Beeding and Roger de Mornay and closer and closer to the eight steps that led up to the low wooden platform on which was the gigantic cross and the large black-and-white photograph of Rose Fox .
27 One day as I was travelling , I saw a young girl running along the side of a river .
28 So when , late that night as I was just about to go to bed , I heard a discreet knock at the door , I was not amazed to find a waiter in a claw-hammer coat pulling a heavily laden food trolley into my room .
29 I soon forgot about the heavy object as I was finding it very difficult to keep awake .
30 ‘ Most important is to have the physical and mental strength to be as successful at the end of this season as I was at the beginning of 1990 .
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