Example sentences of "[noun sg] from [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The reduction of the horse 's anxiety through movement and calm handling , not only solved the bit problem for that day but also prevented the horse from establishing an undesirable form of behaviour to present on other occasions when it felt anxious .
2 If an employer does not prevent them availing themselves of the opportunity to learn business secrets how can he later seek to restrain an employee from using the same information .
3 The Employment Appeal Tribunal was not satisfied that this amounted to a binding agreement , but held that even if it did , it would have been rendered void because it would have been an agreement purporting to preclude the employee from presenting a complaint to a tribunal .
4 To prevent the inevitable ‘ sticky fingers ’ brigade from damaging the aircraft , the instrument panel has been covered with perspex .
5 This is because it was important to prevent other people on either side from using the quarrel as a pretext to pursue their own ends , to justify their own thieving and homicide .
6 The existing treaty , signed in April but not yet ratified , included a clause preventing either side from joining an alliance against the interests of the other .
7 Souness may have been banished to the stands , but it did not stop his side from assaulting the Russian goal as early as the second minute when Don Hutchison drove Steve McManaman 's cross over .
8 Similarly the court in Bullivant ( Roger ) Ltd v Ellis took note of the duration of a restrictive covenant in a former employee 's contract of employment in determining how long it would restrain the defendant from using an index of customers removed from his former employers .
9 It would appear from the sequel that Lady Barbara would have been more reckless and that it was Hornblower 's caution which prevented the friendship from becoming a romance .
10 The next key question is whether such a strategic pricing policy will deter the rival from entering the market by offering it at most a zero NPV .
11 This might indicate , in turn , that the initial company could afford to price a little above 20 per cent over average cost and still prevent the rival from entering the market .
12 On the assumption of a two-firm market and that a rival would not enter the market if it faced zero NPV , NPVs were calculated for investment by the price-setting firm based on the limit prices needed to prevent the rival from entering the market and the cost levels that could be achieved by moving down the experience curve .
13 Even with the property market at its height — I do not need to remind the House that it is not at the height at the moment — British Rail would not be able to cover the £1.4 billion capital cost out of its profit from property development or out of revenue from running the trains .
14 These companies could earn revenue from continuing the business data services which BSB previously offered .
15 There 's something demeaning about Spielberg 's attempts to incorporate modern American youth culture : the Lost Boys ' rapping and skateboarding , more than anything , will prevent this movie from becoming a timeless classic .
16 Such an ‘ abuse ’ was exemplified by the courts in Wheeler v. Leicester City Council where the City Council ( which had adopted an anti-apartheid policy ) banned the Leicester Rugby club from using a Council recreation ground because three members of the club had joined an English touring side to South Africa .
17 In Wheeler v. Leicester City Council ( N. L. , 1985 ) following the decision of four members of Leicester Rugby Club to tour South Africa , the Local Authority , landlords of the club 's ground , banned the club from using the ground for a year because they were dissatisfied with the club 's response to its members ' actions .
18 It seems that Manners was anxious to press ahead with building as quickly as possible in an attempt to pre-empt the Opposition from changing the scheme if they returned to power .
19 It has argued that a total ban on sex may be unnecessary ; it would prefer to have rules that prevent a lawyer from bullying a client to have sex .
20 Some hoped that Mr Najibullah 's demise would bring an end to the country 's 13-year civil war and prevent the fighting from reaching the capital , but one radical Muslim rebel group threatened to attack Kabul anyway .
21 The extremely dichotomous nature of this criterion , with its abrupt switch from maximising the objective to complete disinterest , is open to objection , but such criteria have found favour with some modellers .
22 Rivalry between the army and zaibatsu did not prevent the zaibatsu from taking a full part in the production boom of the 1930s .
23 Mr Rifkind said Labour 's policies would ‘ deny people in the North-East from having a choice and would harm the region 's interests . ’
24 One would not think that that was Labour 's intention from reading the document ’ London United ’ issued by the Labour party , but one would know it from reading the draft of that document which the Labour party did not dare publish .
25 They 're just taking a well-earned break from publicising the Lifeline Africa Appeal that 's just been launched by the Northampton-based charity , World Vision .
26 One of them had been Keith Sutton , taking a break from editing the anti-Murdoch strike paper , the Wapping Post , in the office below .
27 The ship took a break from patrolling the former Yugoslavian coast to dock in Albania .
28 Martin and Liz Hunt 's Adventurline offers walking and exploration tours to uncover Cornwall 's flora , fauna and prehistory — and in warm weather you may be lucky enough to swim with Atlantic grey seals , as a break from trekking the coastal path .
29 Ryan was just putting the final touches of white emulsion to Tosh 's paws when his father came back , having had a quick break from painting the two-year-old 's room .
30 In the car park between the Questura and the prison Palottino had taken a break from polishing the Alfetta to chat to a pair of patrolmen .
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