Example sentences of "[noun sg] they have keep " in BNC.

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1 Each sect accused the other of wishing to observe the prescribed religious festivals at the wrong times , although in practice they had to keep to the same dates .
2 In Khrushchev Remembers the misery of those telephoned summons to share Stalin 's nightly loneliness is vividly caught : the Westerns they had to watch with him , the dinners they had to endure with him , the drinking they had to keep up with him until breakfast time ( even Beria arranged to be given coloured water , until Stalin found out ) .
3 For an hour and a half they had kept him standing .
4 Baku 's military commanders had closed the city to all non-residents from Sept. 26 to Oct. 2 , but during polling they had kept troops out of sight .
5 In a sense they have kept me young . ’
6 For Jenny , and most other women who have seen themselves as only ‘ victims ’ , first disclosures to other people — strangers like me — of the black torment they have kept grimly to themselves , makes them begin to recognise that they are actually ‘ survivors ’ .
7 At the same time they have kept their support tepid enough not to threaten their pose as the Palestinians ' champion .
8 He recalled the businessman again , saw his face , framed in the night-light outside the small house they had kept him captive in .
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