Example sentences of "[noun sg] but a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 VAUX DURHAM COAST LEAGUE SUNDERLAND footballer Richard Ord is still missing from Murton 's side but a former Roker Park employee makes his debut in today 's home game against Easington .
2 Die studies become even more useful when , as often happens , two coins have been struck from the same die on one side but a different one on the other side .
3 The result was not so much the realization of Ashley 's vision of national regeneration but a growing acceptance by those holding high office of the need to subscribe publicly to an upright moral code .
4 We have the ability to heal , probably an inferior process to regeneration but a vital feature in preservation of life .
5 When Wycliffe left the Glynn house a bell in the church , almost next door , was tolling for evening service ; not the usual tumbling peal but a monotonous counting out of strokes on the tenor bell , presumably in token of respect for bereaved neighbours .
6 His deep sense of his own sinful heart was no mere passing emotion but a life-long reality , as was his absolute trust in a Sovereign God .
7 An understandable emotion but an unnecessary one .
8 When Tormey cites the art of acting as an example of representational behaviour , he was really talking about the style of acting first attributed to the famous English eighteenth-century actor David Garrick , acting which demanded not the expression of emotion but an accomplished technique by which ‘ natural ’ expressions of real life became distilled on stage by artifice .
9 Tyroglyphus , harmless to the vine but a deadly enemy of Phylloxera vastatrix , was imported in 1873 in an attempt to kill off the pest ; unfortunately , however , unlike phylloxera , Tyroglyphus did not care for the European climate and failed to settle .
10 In this case it will be obligatory for the driver to provide the specimen which the constable decides to require , either blood or urine subject only to this , that if the constable requires blood but a medical practitioner is of opinion that for medical reasons a specimen of blood can not or should not be taken , the obligation on the driver will then be to provide a specimen of urine instead .
11 A good soldier but a bad general .
12 He was quiet and unassuming , an indifferent soldier but an able ruler .
13 Thus , the presence in this year 's last four of two Second Division clubs , Portsmouth and Sunderland , is not only rich in irony but a symbolic gesture , and a rude one at that .
14 Herbert , who had no colour prejudice but a careful attitude about money , was proud of his reply : ‘ My dear sir , this is a legal office , not a money-lending office . ’
15 Here , it seems , we have a current example of Britain needing to conceive of savagery belonging to outsiders , not a part of British civilisation but an external force which could undermine British institutions unless repressed .
16 When Brau and Brunner AG and Cadbury Schweppes plc notified the creation of a joint venture that would prepare and sell mineral water , the Commission found that this joint venture was not a concentration but a cooperative agreement , because the parent companies would stay active on the soft drinks market and so the structure of competition would not be permanently altered , as it would with a concentration .
17 Feminist analysis is not a ‘ pick and mix ’ methodology but a continual questioning which seeks to destabilise and change the patriarchal dominance of art .
18 In three respects at least D. H. Lawrence 's attitude to homosexuality was typical : first , he seems to have been able to accept it only in an idealized and spiritual form ; as Paul Delany puts it , he wanted not a lover but a spiritual brother .
19 Library co-operatives rarely require much financial outlay but a minimum resource required is some staff time , and it seems likely that authorities with designated training officers ( or teams ) , are going to be in a much stronger position to be able to utilize the considerable potential possibilities of library co-operatives .
20 It is one of the very few search firms whose results are published in Kompass , which reveals not only the firm 's rapid rise in turnover but a striking rate of return on capital employed , indicating the potentially very profitable nature of the headhunting business .
21 Ahlbrandt found a strong attachment to the neighbourhood but a low percentage of residents ( 57 per cent ) expressing a feeling that East Allegheny was a good or excellent place in which to live .
22 A light touch , no excessive ambition but an evident enthusiasm , produced a masterpiece .
23 According to a government minister at the time , the act recognized that the railways ‘ are not a normal nationalized industry but a unique type of public corporation which exists to service social and environmental purposes as well as the economic needs ’ ( Hansard , 24 June 1974 ) .
24 This rhythm , though muscular , is not aggressive ; it is not that of a march but a working rhythm that has joy in it .
25 The garden , which had provided not only subsistence but a little cash crop , was overgrown with brambles and cow-parsley and other vegetation of interest only to wildlife .
26 As the work of a man who is not only a poet but a Catholic poet , Paradiso is hardly a typical case , but the sheer volume of fiction produced in Spanish America in recent decades — and continues to be produced — scarcely betokens a general collapse of confidence in the written word , and it is noteworthy that Cabrera Infante 's Three Trapped Tigers , for example , re-creates the atmosphere of pre-revolutionary Havana even as it casts doubt on the feasibility of such an enterprise .
27 A good poet but a bad spy .
28 That would not merely be a breach of established practice but a fundamental failure of justice .
29 When we moved to the new building we were promised vastly improved facilities , not a canteen but a carpeted restaurant , with special facilities for conferences and for private business lunches .
30 Most country-sweetened American adult mainstream pop is inarguable crap but a slight minority — and Glen Campbell 's recordings with Jimmy Webb is the prime exhibit in the case of Nanci Griffith — catches the American spirit as much as any grease-fingered rock .
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