Example sentences of "[noun sg] but [ex0] may " in BNC.

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1 So far I have been lucky in that I have never had to work at getting the next job but there may be a point when I look up and there is no opportunity around the corner . ’
2 If p(x) then x is in the cluster but there may also be objects x , in the cluster , for which p is false .
3 He says it wo n't become clear until there 's a new owner but there may be redundancies .
4 But a procedural error that has followed the making of an order — a failure to serve the order is the obvious example but there may be others — can , in my opinion , be dealt with by the judge who made the order .
5 The boundary between the mantle and crust represents a significant change in rock density but there may also be differences in chemical composition .
6 This right can not be taken away by any terms in a licence agreement but there may be some difficulty with deciding when making a back-up copy is truly necessary .
7 Of course , you can hand the whole thing over to a direct mail house but there may still be additional and expensive packaging to design and pay for .
8 I think we have nearly a full house but there may be one or two more people to come .
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